Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Smiley Babies

I just had a week off work and it's been lovely to relax and have a bit of time to rejuvenate.  I can somewhat deal with the few weeks left in my Masters class in knowing that there are only four months left in the school year.  Really, work is manageable when I'm not taking a class at the same time so I expect life to be a bit easier after Easter Break.

I have to admit that I sometimes question whether or not I should work full time.  Like most things in life, there's no perfect answer to this question.  For now, I'll get through the next 6 weeks or so and then the hard part is over for this year. Speaking of which, I still have three articles to read for Tuesday night and evenings are prime time for reading..that, and watching the Oscars tonight!  It's all about multi-tasking. 

There's very little point to this post except to share a few adorable photos of my "babies".  It only takes one of these smiles to make my heart melt.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Z99 Radiothon Sponsors for 2012 - Raising Money for the NICU

I wanted to create a special post to list and thank all the wonderful sponsors who are supporting such a great cause.  This fundraiser would not be possible without all of you and I am excited to have so many fantastic sponsors!  I will continue adding to this list as I receive more sponsors.  :-)

Baby Chunky Cheeks - Regina, SK
Jenna Rae Photography - Regina, SK

Simply Knitted Together - Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Feltlikecelebrating - Christchurch, New Zealand
AlligatorSnaps - Toronto, Ontario
Audett & Evlor - Toronto, Ontario

PURSEnal Trends - Regina, SK

It all started with a BOW - Winnipeg, MB
Scentsy by Kara Friebel - Regina, SK 
Yesterdays You Esthetics - Regina, SK 
Nellia's Designs - Regina, SK
Hello Gorgeous - Regina, SK
The Sling Sisters - Winnipeg, MB
Jaid Creations - Brandon, MB
Laura's Vinyl Art & Decor - Regina, SK
Kiddo Designs - Drayton, ON 
Lil Divas Bowtique - Whitby, ON
J9 Design - Regina, SK 

lia sophia Jewellery (Crystal Pearce) - Regina, SK

Way 2 Grow - Regina, SK

OnlyGreen (Pamela Munson) - Regina, SK 

Everything Mom and Baby - Toronto, ON 

Butterfly Bows - Dartmouth, NS 
Skincerity (Rita Holowenko) - Regina, SK 

Cute D Tails - Newmarket, ON

Of course, the more sponsors we have, the more money we can raise for the NICU at the Regina General Hospital.  I would love to add more businesses to this list.  All sorts of products and services are welcome!  Here's a link to the Auction Photo Album so far. 
Z99 Auction Album

Since the auction will begin on Thursday, March 8th at 7 pm Saskatchewan Time, I will add sponsors up until the start of the auction.  You can contact me via e-mail at: or just post a message on my Facebook Page and I'll be sure to get back to you.

For more information about the Radiothon and our fundraising efforts, please check out the following:
Z99 Radiothon Auction - 2012 Edition!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Z99 Radiothon Auction - 2012 Edition! - "Saving Babies' Lives!"

I am excited to announce that I will be having another Facebook Auction this year to help raise money for the Z99 Radiothon. With the help of LOTS of fantastic businesses, we raised $1075 last year to help save babies lives and I am sure we will have another successful fundraising effort this year.  I have already sent out information to last year's sponsors and would be happy to welcome new businesses for this year's event.  

What?  A Sophisticated Mommy Blog's 2nd Annual Z99 Radiothon Auction! 
Why?  To raise money for an amazing cause: "Saving Babies' Lives!" 
When?  Thursday, March 8th - Sunday, March 11th, 2012
WhereA Sophisticated Mommy Blog Facebook Page
Who?  Everyone!

For all the details about how the auction will work, please read the posts from last year which are listed at the bottom of this post.  This year, the auction will be run in the same way.  Basically, I will post the sponsors' items or services in a Facebook photo album and everyone can begin bidding once the auction starts on March 8th.  The winning bidders will receive the item, donate to a great cause and even get a tax receipt!  The sponsors will have an opportunity to donate to a great cause, be associated with an amazing charity, and hopefully find a few new customers in the process!

Last year, I was overwhelmed by the great support from sponsors from all over Canada and even one from New Zealand!  Not only did we raise a lot of money, but I also think that everyone had a lot of fun checking out the unique and varied products that were available.  There were even some friendly competitions going on with the bidding and all for a wonderful cause.  Please consider sponsoring the event or taking part in the auction (or both)!

Here's some more information about the event:
If you've heard the words 'Saving Babies' Lives' before, it could be because you are familiar with the Z99 radiothon which supports the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) at the Regina General Hospital.  The Z99 radiothon has been supporting this special hospital unit for several years and will be raising money again this year on March 15-16th.  The proceeds from the 2012 Z99 Radiothon will help purchase Giraffe™ Omnibeds, overbed warmers and other essential equipment such as a blanket warmer and breast milk warmers.

No one really expects to need the NICU and our family was fortunate enough that neither of our children required a stay in the unit.  However, many babies spend time in the NICU, whether it's just for a few hours or sometimes for several days.  For expectant parents, it's reassuring to know that it's available and that babies will have the best chance at life even if things don't go as expected.
  For more information about the Radiothon, you can check out their website. 

If you are interested in donating some items or services for the auction, please contact me via my Facebook Page or you can e-mail me at  I will send you an e-mail with the sponsorship details.

Here are some of the posts from last year as a reminder! 
2011 Sponsor List
2011 Facebook Auction Album
2011 Radiothon Auction Information
The Grand Total!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy V-Day!

The cookies I made for the kids to share at daycare.
Words truly cannot express how exhausted I am today.  However, I was still able to enjoy Valentine's Day.  My favourite part was helping Connor go through his bag of cards and treats since he was sick and missed out on the party at daycare today.  I am going to send some cookies with him for tomorrow but was sad he didn't get to go today.  He loved reading all the cards from friends and seeing his treats and was so excited.  We had to read them all twice.

Another fun moment today was that my husband and I bought each other the same thing.  We had agreed to keep things on the down low this year with small gifts of thoughtfulness.  In the end, I bought him some lottery tickets and a Dairy Queen blizzard and he bought me a Dairy Queen ice cream cake.  Needless to say, we've got a lot of ice cream in our house!  I love ice cream cake but really don't think I need the temptation of having a huge heart ice cream cake in the deep freeze.  It's practically calling out my name right now but I will resist.

Finally, I loved getting homemade Valentine's Day cards from both of the kids.  I am taking them to work tomorrow to stick on my bulletin board by  my desk.  I love getting crafts from them..makes me feel very much like a special mommy.  Regardless of how much I work or what I study at school, the most important thing is and always will be my family and, honestly I think we're pretty cool.  Yep, I do. :-)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mommy Guilt

I love being a mommy but I don't love mommy guilt and it's such an interesting concept.  Since I am taking a class focusing on social justice right now, it really makes me wonder why I've never heard of "daddy guilt".   There are a few reasons I've been experiencing some feelings of guilt lately but it's mostly the daily grind and the process of dropping off the kids at daycare.  We sometimes have good days but most days involved crying and clinging.  Suggestions are welcome but they are just not happy when I leave.

I wonder if things are just harder in the winter when it's dark and cold in the mornings.  I am already dreaming of longer days and warmer temperatures.  I shouldn't complain much's been unseasonably warm this year although Environment Canada's new prediction of a warmer winter will likely end the trend.

Tonight, I was watching American Idol...yes, it's true.  I have a hard time focusing on any TV shows with actual plots so I am a bit of a reality TV junkie...mostly HGTV which is a welcome departure from TLC.  According to Jeremy, I've progressed from wedding planning to home improvement.  It could be a very expensive departure!

Back to mommy guilt and how it relates to American Idol.  A young mom was on the show tonight and J Lo came up with some great pearls of wisdom that I appreciated and took to heart.  She said that moms have to look after themselves and we're better moms when we are happy and true to ourselves.  I really love my job and I know that maternity leave was getting a bit tough for me.  On the other hand, there are moments when I wonder about working a bit less but then the issue of daycare costs comes up.  There's always something!

I should comment a bit more on "daddy guilt" because I think it does exist but it wouldn't be "manly" to admit it.   In their defense, I am sure they enjoy their work and daily interactions as well and they are better daddies when they feel productive and happy.

By the way, if you're looking for cute Valentine's Day activities for your partner or children, check out Pinterest (if you're on it) as I've seen lots of great ideas for crafts, baking and gifts pop up in the past few days.

Bon Soir!