Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mommy Guilt

I love being a mommy but I don't love mommy guilt and it's such an interesting concept.  Since I am taking a class focusing on social justice right now, it really makes me wonder why I've never heard of "daddy guilt".   There are a few reasons I've been experiencing some feelings of guilt lately but it's mostly the daily grind and the process of dropping off the kids at daycare.  We sometimes have good days but most days involved crying and clinging.  Suggestions are welcome but they are just not happy when I leave.

I wonder if things are just harder in the winter when it's dark and cold in the mornings.  I am already dreaming of longer days and warmer temperatures.  I shouldn't complain much's been unseasonably warm this year although Environment Canada's new prediction of a warmer winter will likely end the trend.

Tonight, I was watching American Idol...yes, it's true.  I have a hard time focusing on any TV shows with actual plots so I am a bit of a reality TV junkie...mostly HGTV which is a welcome departure from TLC.  According to Jeremy, I've progressed from wedding planning to home improvement.  It could be a very expensive departure!

Back to mommy guilt and how it relates to American Idol.  A young mom was on the show tonight and J Lo came up with some great pearls of wisdom that I appreciated and took to heart.  She said that moms have to look after themselves and we're better moms when we are happy and true to ourselves.  I really love my job and I know that maternity leave was getting a bit tough for me.  On the other hand, there are moments when I wonder about working a bit less but then the issue of daycare costs comes up.  There's always something!

I should comment a bit more on "daddy guilt" because I think it does exist but it wouldn't be "manly" to admit it.   In their defense, I am sure they enjoy their work and daily interactions as well and they are better daddies when they feel productive and happy.

By the way, if you're looking for cute Valentine's Day activities for your partner or children, check out Pinterest (if you're on it) as I've seen lots of great ideas for crafts, baking and gifts pop up in the past few days.

Bon Soir!

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