Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy V-Day!

The cookies I made for the kids to share at daycare.
Words truly cannot express how exhausted I am today.  However, I was still able to enjoy Valentine's Day.  My favourite part was helping Connor go through his bag of cards and treats since he was sick and missed out on the party at daycare today.  I am going to send some cookies with him for tomorrow but was sad he didn't get to go today.  He loved reading all the cards from friends and seeing his treats and was so excited.  We had to read them all twice.

Another fun moment today was that my husband and I bought each other the same thing.  We had agreed to keep things on the down low this year with small gifts of thoughtfulness.  In the end, I bought him some lottery tickets and a Dairy Queen blizzard and he bought me a Dairy Queen ice cream cake.  Needless to say, we've got a lot of ice cream in our house!  I love ice cream cake but really don't think I need the temptation of having a huge heart ice cream cake in the deep freeze.  It's practically calling out my name right now but I will resist.

Finally, I loved getting homemade Valentine's Day cards from both of the kids.  I am taking them to work tomorrow to stick on my bulletin board by  my desk.  I love getting crafts from them..makes me feel very much like a special mommy.  Regardless of how much I work or what I study at school, the most important thing is and always will be my family and, honestly I think we're pretty cool.  Yep, I do. :-)

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