Friday, July 22, 2011

Peachy Peach Pie

If you love peaches and cool summer desserts, then this is a great recipe for you!  It also comes from the Looney Spoons cookbook which features relatively healthy recipes so it's a not-so-guilty pleasure.  One slice is a reasonable 278 calories with 6.9 g of fat. 

The recipe itself is quite simple.  My least favourite part is the peeling and slicing of the peaches but it wasn't too bad this time around.  I'll give a tip with the recipe that makes it easy and painless.  This time around, the hardest part was the sauce as you will see.

Peach Pie Recipe

1 9-inch deep-dish frozen pie crust shell
3/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons corn syrup
5 tablespoons cornstarch
1 cup boiling water
1/4 cup peach-flavoured Jell-o powder
8-9 medium peaches, peeled and sliced

1.  Bake pie crust according to package directions.  Cool completely before filling.
2.  To prepare the filling, combine sugar, corn syrup, cornstarch, and boiling water in a medium saucepan.
3.  Cook and stir over medium-high heat until mixture thickens and becomes clear (it will become quite thick).
4.  Remove from heat and stir in Jell-o powder.
5.  Let cool at room temperature. 
6.  Add peaches and stir until evenly coated.
7.  Pour into prepared pie shell.
8.  Refrigerate for 3-4 hours before serving.

My Notes:
  • Peaches are way easier to peel if you first immerse them in boiling water for about 20-30 seconds.  I then pulled the skin off and actually just ran them under cool water to help quicken the process.  
  • You can easily make two pies with this recipe.  I used a lot fewer then 8-9 peaches and still made two pies.  I didn't end up with the best peaches so I threw out the bad parts and just used the good ones.  You can't mask the taste of the peaches in this recipe so go with fresh, ripe peaches only.  If you wouldn't eat it on its own, don't put it in the pie.
  • I had some trouble with making the sauce when combining all the ingredients as instructed.  I ended up with a big lumpy mess because the corn starch just wasn't dissolving.  I tried it again by adding the corn starch to just water first and ended up with the same result.  Rather than start a third batch of sauce, I just conceded and used a metal strainer instead.  I'll post the photos below so you can see what I mean.  It still worked out in the end but I don't remember having such a problem with this before.

    Finally, some photos of my Peach Pie making journey!

    Peaches peeled and sliced.
    Here's what happened when I followed the recipe.
    After using a metal strainer and adding the peach Jell-o, things didn't look so scary.
    I added the peaches to the cooled sauce and divided it up into two pie shells.
    Peach Pie after cooling in the fridge overnight.  Ready to eat!
    We have eaten this on its own and it's delicious that way.  You could also add some whipped cream or ice cream of course!