Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Used to Like Hot Weather

A photo of my flower garden in front of our house.
I am not one to complain about heat but it's actually been too hot to do anything outside the past few days.  It doesn't help that I have a massive sinus cold right now.  It's kind of been interesting really.  The weather has been over 40 degrees with the humidex.  I think it topped out at 44 yesterday and I've got brutal sinus congestion.  It's kind of like nature's humidifier.  I knew the kids would get sick a bit when they started a new daycare but did they really have to share their germs with me?  Apparently, they did.

This is making training for the half marathon really tough.  I actually soldiered on yesterday and ran for 3 miles in the humidity WITH my head cold.  That was lovely <insert sarcasm>.  I was supposed to do my hills training today...I am not sure I will even run though.  It hasn't been much fun lately.  I wonder what it feels like to run in normal temperatures when I'm actually healthy. I bet it's going to feel great.

At least the weather is better today as far as temperature goes but it's still really humid.  It kind of reminded me of Taiwan the past few days.  It was often that hot and the night lows were still in the high 20s and that was normal.  It's amazing to think that I was actually quite accustomed to those temperatures.  I remember finding it funny when new arrivals came to Taiwan and would shower 2-3 times a day just to cool off.

I haven't posted any recipes in ages although I have actually tried a few new ones lately.  I am going to try making Peach Pie today and will post that tonight or tomorrow.  It's a relatively healthy recipe from the Looney Spoons cookbook.  That was one of the predecessors of Eat, Shrink, and Be Merry.   I always like to make it once during the summer when peaches are actually in-season.  I'm all for cool, light recipes in the  summer.  I made another yummy recipe with chicken kebabs and a cucumber/dill dip earlier this week that I will make again soon and share too.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summers so far.  I have to admit it's been wonderful having some time to myself but I wish I could be healthy and I wish the weather would be hot but not super hot.  That's not too much to ask for, is it?

It's amazing how time flies when you have free time.  I seem to find lots to do..gardening, running, cleaning, shopping, organizing, reading, and lots more.  My next big project is making some sort of movie for my grandparents 65th anniversary.  Yes, I said 65!  Speaking of that, I should get to it.  Oh, and if you could all click on the Top Mommy Blogs logo at the right of my page when you visit, I'd really appreciate it. 

The other half of the flower garden.  Many of my annuals didn't survive the rain and cold from the Spring.

1 comment:

  1. oh yucky to be sick in the summer! I used to love the heat too but this year it's been hard for me to handle!
