Thursday, June 30, 2011

TGIS! (Thank Goodness It's Summer!)

Ready for Canada Day!
Just a quick post today to say how happy I am that this school "year" has come to an end.  Don't get me wrong.  I've enjoyed every moment and am appreciative of the time I've had to get to know many of the students I will continue to teach next year.  However, taking over a class more than halfway through a semester is a challenge to say the least.  It's not an ideal situation. 

Returning from maternity leave into any position poses its challenges.  You somewhat expect things to remain the same as when you left and yet that's not possible.  Yes, life did manage to move on without me.  On the upside, I felt a certain level of empowerment upon return to work as I am no longer a new teacher at my school.  In fact, I'll be one of the more experienced ones and that's kind of a nice feeling after changing schools for my first three years of teaching.  I've now been at the same school for four years and next year will be my fifth.  Of course, I spent a couple of those years on maternity leave but it's still been great to have one thing in my life stay fairly constant.

I also have a new perspective on my career.  I have new goals and plans that I am looking forward to achieving in the years to come.  I am excited to be back at work for a solid year next year so I can participate fully in my job and get more involved in some committees I've always wanted to join.  Of course, I will also be continuing on with my Master's studies in the fall which strangely starts before Labour Day according to the U of R website.  

So onto summer!  I am excited for Roughrider games, running, fishing, cabining (no tenting for me), golfing, reading, relaxing, cleaning (sad but true), and enjoying the lovely sunshine.

Also, it's not too late to enter some giveaways for The Great Canadian Blog Bash including my own!  The deadline to enter is tomorrow at midnight and all draws will be made this weekend.  Thanks for all the entries so's been wonderful learning about all the fantastic Canadian mom bloggers out there.  You can click on the image below to be directed to my TGCBB post.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

'A Sophisticated Mommy' Gets a Logo!

Thanks to Sarah Milne of Daffodil Design for creating my new blog logo.  It has been a work in progress for a while.  Things don't move very quickly with a couple of working mommies involved but we finally got it done and I am very happy with it!  I wanted a logo that was clean, simple and modern and I think we achieved that.  It also incorporates a couple of my favourites colours at the moment.  Actually, I never really liked green until we painted Aleena's room green and gave it pink accents and now I love the colour combination.

I had no idea how important a blog logo was until I kept being asked for one and didn't have one to share.  I could have made one quickly but thought I'd wait until I could actually reveal one that I really loved.  So, here's my new logo and colour scheme for my blog.  I hope everyone likes it!  I also just figured out how to add the Facebook, Twitter, and RSS buttons with links.  I am on a roll tonight!  I am not sure how much I love the other fonts or colours right now but it's a work in progress.  I think a blog is a lot like home decor and there is always some tweaking and re-designing necessary just to keep things fresh.

Look out for my blog logo on the internet and feel free to share it too!  At some point in the near future, I'll figure out how to make my blog button easy for anyone to grab and share.  I'm sure it's not difficult to do but it's yet another new thing I have to learn.

The only thing as exciting as my new blog logo is The Great Canadian Blog Bash where you can find new mom blogs to follow and enter lots of great giveaways which are open to Canadians only.  Here's my post featuring a giveaway from True Cuddles.  They are giving one lucky winner a $75 Prize Package of 'Cuddles' that will be customized to the winner.  If you click through to the blog post, you will find the link to all the other participating blogs.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Cap and Gown - Oh, the Memories!

Convocating with a Bachelor of Education (After Degree).  
Today was the Cap and Gown ceremony for our Grade 12 students and it brought back a lot of memories.  Well, not the ceremony itself as we didn't actually have a cap and gown ceremony when I was in high school but the sentiment behind it.  I listened to the hopes and dreams of each grad as they received their diplomas and tried to remember what mine had been in Grade 12.  I am not sure what the exact words would have been but they would have said something like, "Trudy will be attending the University of British Columbia in order to study Human Kinetics specializing in Leisure and Sports Management."

At that time, I don't think I had any specific plans for my future but I knew I loved sports and wanted to follow my heart.  One thing I truly believe is that you should do what you love in life.  I am the kind of person that will change jobs if I don't feel like I am content any longer (Hope my husband isn't reading this..he wouldn't want me to change jobs again.  He already thinks I'm a professional student.).  At the moment, I LOVE my job and wouldn't trade for anything else.  I can't guarantee I'll feel this way forever but it's the perfect job for me at this time in my life.

For those of you who don't know me, I teach students from other countries how to speak English so they can continue on in "regular" Canadian classes and eventually finish high school.  I work at a high school with students from all walks of life.  It's a pretty special place really.  I started teaching in this school exactly four years ago and it was a special day for me today.  I got to see some of my first students cross the stage and receive their diplomas.  Some are going to universities to study law, nursing, and international studies.   Some are coming back to our high school in the fall to take Advanced Placement classes in Fine Arts and others are going to work for a while.  I felt so much pride in seeing those young men and women receive their diplomas.  This is why I teach.  It was great to see these young people reach an important milestone in their lives and I also appreciated how excited they all must be with endless opportunities ahead of them.

Then, I re-considered for a moment.  Thinking of a future full of possibilities isn't limited to youth.  I taught with a lovely couple from Utah when I was in Taiwan.  They were retired teachers who decided to teach in Taiwan for a year and experience another culture.  Also, a family from Regina was highlighted in our local paper a few months ago for taking a year off their jobs and traveling around the world with their children.  Why not?!  Imagine experiencing the world in person rather than simply reading a book or googling it on the internet.

Everyone can take something away from a high school graduation.  The feeling of hope, the sense of anticipation, the optimism of youth, the excitement of what's to come and the value of enjoying each and every day in our lives.

It was a great day that brought back great memories.  It also made me contemplate the next time I'll be up on the stage...receiving my Master's Degree.  I'm not sure when that will be..but I was reminded that it's not necessarily about the destination but the journey.

I posted the photo above for a couple reasons.  First, it was the only "grad" I've ever attended where I actually wore the cap and gown.  Second, it happened to be available on my computer and I figure we're a good looking bunch so why not share. :-)   Finally, we were the only BEAD (Bachelor of Education After Degree) students in the Elementary Ed program that year and we became very good friends.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The ONS GEAR 'Stay on Socks' Giveaway Winner is...

Sew Darn Chic! Love the name of your business by the way. I'll have ONS Gear send you an e-mail to arrange the size options and shipping. You will receive a couple pairs of the ONS GEAR Stay On Socks.  They really work!

Thanks to everyone for entering this giveaway! You can buy your own socks on the ONS GEAR website. As many of you noticed, they also sell a variety of other innovative products for babies and toddlers that are worth checking out as well. Of course, they are also Canadian so it's always nice to support Canadian businesses.

Here's a link to their website where you can purchase the socks at 50% off while supplies last.

To get updates on new products and sales, be sure to "like" their Facebook page if you haven't already.

Finally, don't forget to enter my giveaway for The Great Canadian Blog Bash!  True Cuddles is going to give away a customized prize package worth $75 of their "Cuddles" to one lucky winner.  You can also click on The Great Canadian Blog Bash image in the right side bar to find lots of other fantastic Canadian Mom Blogs who are also doing giveaways this week.  The best part is that all giveaways started yesterday and they will all end on July 1st to celebrate Canada Day.  Be sure to enter soon so you don't miss out!

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Great Canadian Blog Bash!! (True Cuddles Giveaway)

It's finally here! Welcome to the Great Canadian Blog Bash!  This is a great opportunity for blog readers to discover even more great Canadian mommy bloggers who feature interesting info for moms along with lots of reviews and giveaways. For this event in particular, each blog will have a special post so you can learn more about each blog and at least one giveaway provided by a Canadian company and open to Canadians only.  All giveaways open today and will end on July 1st.  I am excited to be giving away a prize package from True Cuddles, one of my favourite websites for Canadian Moms.

Now, a bit more about me...

I am a Canadian Mommy of two very young kids and I live in Regina, SK. My baby girl is 14 months and my toddler son is 2 years old. He'll be three years old in September. I started this blog when I was on maternity leave although I am back to work for a couple of months right now. Yes, only a couple of months because I am a teacher, and as crazy as it may sound, I am already looking forward to the summer!

What is my blog about? It's about a little bit of everything. Mostly my favourite baby and toddler products which quickly turned into doing lots of great reviews and giveaways. I write about both American and Canadian companies but I make sure that all of my giveaways are open to Canadians. After living overseas for 5 years, I truly appreciate Canada and am fiercely proud of our country. I am also very lucky to be reminded of what a fantastic country we live in everyday as I teach students from other countries. They remind me how lucky we are to live in a country with so many rights, freedoms, and opportunities. 

Aside from baby things, I also write about my Masters classes, running, cooking, baking, raising kiddos, teaching, traveling and pretty much anything that comes up. I started this blog to document our crazy busy lives. The most popular post I've ever written was about Daily Deals with may become addicted.  It can be found under "Most Popular Posts" on the right side bar.

The one other thing I LOVE and must mention since it's truly Canadian is the CFL and the Saskatchewan Roughriders in particular.  Go Riders!!!

The Giveaway!

True Cuddles has offered to give away a prize package worth $75. They actually suggested customizing the prize to the winner which is pretty awesome. They'll give away a Goodbyn lunch kit and add other adorable items from their weekly "Cuddles" (e.g. BabyLegs, teething necklace).

If you really love free stuff for your little one (who doesn't?!), you should also check out the ‘Win Cuddles for a Year’ contest.  True Cuddles is going to give one lucky winner a free Cuddle (aka awesome baby product) per week for an entire year.  You can enter the contest on their website and there are a number of bonus entries available to increase your odds of winning.

Here's a photo of the Goodbyn lunch kits...just imagine these kits full of even more goodies totalling up to $75.


How to Enter: 
Same rules as always!  I'll count each comment as an entry and select a winner from

1.  Give one reason you are proud to be Canadian.
2.  "Like" True Cuddles on Facebook.
3.  Follow A Sophisticated Mommy via Google Friend Connect.
4.  "Like"  A Sophisticated Mommy on Facebook.
5.  Share this giveaway.  (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Blog, Forum)

Open to CANADIANS only.  The contest will close on July 1, 2011...Happy Canada Day!!!

Be sure to check out the other blogs that are participating!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Great Canadian Blog Bash! (Preview Post)

Hey Everyone!

Just a reminder that the Great Canadian Blog Bash starts tomorrow.  It will
feature numerous Canadian Mom Bloggers who will be posting lots of giveaways open to Canadians only.  It's a great way to learn more about all the great Canadian mommy blogs out there.

I will have a giveaway on my blog from True Cuddles, a fantastic Canadian company that many of you are already familiar with.

I won't be posting my giveaway until tomorrow night since I've got to work tomorrow.  I'll do my best to post it early tomorrow evening as long as the kids go to bed without too much fuss.  I also need to have them pose for a quick Canadian-themed photo.

Have a great night and hopefully we'll see you back for the big event!!

PS- Some East Coast Moms have already got things going!  Check it out here!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Welcome to the Weekly "We are Canadian Blog Hop!!"

One of the best things about having a mommy blog is networking with other Moms across Canada and seeing what they are up to. I just discovered yet another Canadian Blog Hop where you visit each other's blogs and find new ones to follow.  I thought I'd share since I know quite a few Mom bloggers out there who might be interested.  Enjoy!

Welcome to the weekly "We are Canadian Blog Hop!!"
The way this blog hop works is there are two co-hosts who everyone is expected to "follow" and then they choose a guest host each week based on a random draw from the previous week's blog hop.  You simply enter your blog link and then check out the other mom blogs that have posted their links and start "hopping" and following some new blogs.  It's a great way to get new followers but also a fantastic way to get some great new ideas for your own blog, find new giveaways to enter or find new interesting information. 

I am often asked how I find new reviews and giveaways for my own blog and it happens in a variety of ways.  One way is to see what other mom blogs are giving away and if something interests you, rattle off a quick e-mail to that company and odds are good they'd be happy to promote their product on your blog too.  It literally takes a few seconds which is good because that's often all I have.

There are lots of other blog hops out there but thought I'd feature this one tonight since it's new to me and is for Canadians only.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Willmek Sign Works 'Customized Wall Art' Winner is..

 Melissa Neumeier! 

Thanks to everyone who entered this contest.  Please keep Heidi of Willmek Sign Works in mind for customized vinyl wall art for your little ones' rooms.  You can contact her through her website or on her Facebook page.  In fact, she is currently offering customers 15% off on all wall art for the month of June.  You can continue to stay up to date on sales via the Facebook page and also see more great wall art that is yet to come.  I am excited to see what she designs for the winner of this contest.

If you could click on the Top Mommy Blogs logo below, I'd really appreciate it!  I will work harder to move back up the list in the summer but could use a few votes as I am definitely not Top 50 anymore. :-)

Top Mommy Blogs - Mom Blog Directory

Be sure to check out the review and giveaway I did for ONS GEAR Stay on Socks. They are yet another great Canadian company who are creating all sort of innovative products for babies and toddlers. The socks have been a great success so far and can also be purchased for a fantastic price right now. Check out this blog post for details.  PS- It also features a cute video of my son.

Connor wearing the ONS GEAR Stay on Socks.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

ONS Gear 'Stay on Socks' Review & Giveaway

A couple months ago, I participated in a Facebook giveaway contest and one of the sponsors was ONS Gear, another great Canadian company.  Since Aleena is constantly pulling her socks off, I was interested to try out ONS socks and see if they really did stay on.  The people at ONS Gear have created these socks with the intention of keeping socks on babies' feet.  I believe the secret lies in the extra elastic around the's a subtle extra bit of elasticity that makes a huge difference.  With that said, they do admit that the power and will of a baby trying to pull off socks is strong and cannot guarantee they'll stay on if the baby is determined to get them off.

I was most interested to try them with Aleena but I received a couple pairs for both kids.  Aleena wore them to daycare last week and they pretty much stayed on all day.  She was able to pull them off when I encouraged her to do so.  Unlike many of her other socks, she just didn't seem to mind having them on.  Since she is clearly too young to express herself eloquently, I am going to assume they are comfortable and don't bother her.  The socks are a bit stretchy and are thinner than some of her other socks which is great for the summer time.  Another thing I like is that they don't have a bunch of loose strings and their simplicity makes them almost seamless.  They also have the ONS logo on the bottom which provides a bit of grip..great for hardwood or linoleum floors.   I was going to suggest an improvement could be making the socks a bit "prettier" but I'm not sure how much you'd want to change them as it could interfere with how comfy they are.

If you want to try some out, they are a great price right now at 50% off on their website.  

Overall, the socks have been a success and have stayed on for entire days at daycare which is a first.  Connor likes them too although socks aren't as much of an issue for him.  I took some video of Connor to ask him if he likes the socks...and no, I didn't tell him what to say...not that it would matter with a two year old.

The Giveaway:
ONS Gear is going to give away two pairs of ONS Stay on Socks in the size of your choice.

How to Enter:
1.  Visit The InnoShop and let us know something you find interesting in their Collection of Innovation.
2.  "Like" ONS Gear on Facebook.
3.   Follow A Sophisticated Mommy via GFC
4.  "Like" A Sophisticated Mommy on Facebook
5.   Share this giveaway (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Forum).

This giveaway is open to Canada only and will end on Friday, June 24th at Midnight SK Time.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My New Running Playlist

Since I started running outside again, I've realized that my IPod doesn't have many motivational songs on it. It's a good thing it's got the skip function because I feel like I am constantly pressing it and hoping the next song will be better. It's been literally years since I downloaded any newer songs so I decided to buy a few. Back in the day, we used to buy CD's but I haven't bought any of those relics lately either.

I wanted some newer tunes that I hadn't heard a million times before although I did add a couple of classics in there as well. Here's the list I ended up with..mostly from the ITunes top songs.

As for the running, I am embarrassed to admit that I've become a bit of a weekend warrior but it's just so hard to find time to run during the week. I work, I pick up the kids and I work some more. They go to bed and I am exhausted. These next few days will be worse as I have tons of correcting to do and I also have to make review tests and final exams for my classes. Going back to teaching at this point in the year isn't ideal but I know it'll be much easier on me in the fall because of it. I am sure it's like most jobs where you feel like you have to somewhat start over again and yet it feels like you never left in some ways.

I am looking forward to summer when the kids will still be attending daycare and I will have some much needed time to myself to run, clean, organize, read, garden, relax...

My running goals:
  • Run at least five times a week and follow a proper training program again.
  • YMCA Road Race in August
  • QCM Half Marathon in September
I may consider another race or two before August but I just don't feel prepared to do any races when my training hasn't been where it needs to be. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

"Financially Compromised" Mommy

"Financially Compromised" Mommy
Yep, that's right.  I wasn't feeling so smart or sophisticated today when I went to Costco and had my bank card rejected.  Since I refuse to get any credit cards beyond the one I already have, I don't have an American Express and I wasn't carrying any cheques at the time.  That left me groceries apparently.  It was ridiculously embarrassing and extremely frustrating since I was already cutting it close with my daycare pick up time.

I called the bank to find out what "Unauthorized Card Use" meant only to be hung up on after waiting and being put on hold for several minutes.  I gave up and asked them to hold my groceries so Jeremy could pick them up after he was finished work.  I left to pick up the kids and was thoroughly confused and annoyed by what had happened.  My first thought was that I had exceeded my daily limit for debit since I had paid my credit card bill earlier in the day.  That doesn't usually affect retail purchases though..or does it?!

I called Jeremy to ask him to pay for and pick up our groceries. I didn't waste 45 minutes at Costco for nothing!  He said that bank security had called and left a message.  When I got home with the kids, I parked them in the living room so I could deal with the issue at hand.  The bank said that my card number had been copied along with the PIN and they were monitoring it.  I've heard of this happening to a lot of other people but never thought it would happen to me.  I've been really careful when using debit machines lately after hearing all the recent news stories about skimming.  Apparently, this CAN happen to anyone and I plan on changing a few things so it doesn't happen to me again.

According to the bank security officer, you can do some things to avoid this problem.  I really want to share them here to help out others.
  • The most interesting tip was that this type of card skimming is happening primarily at gas stations and restaurants.
  • For purchases at restaurants and gas stations, use either cash or a credit card.  
  • He suggested carrying $20 at all times for smaller purchases to avoid using a debit card.
  • Continually monitor your bank account to check for any irregular activity.
  • Change your PIN number from time to time.
  • My own personal tip would be to NOT use a debit card unless the business has chip technology.  I will no longer be using my debit card if there is any swiping necessary.
The good news for me is that there was no harm done besides a little bit of inconvenience and embarrassment at Costco today.  I have already changed my PIN number and will be changing the way I make my purchases from now on.  Truthfully, I wasn't using my debit card all that much anyway so this is clearly something that can happen to anyone and it only takes one time to have your debit card compromised.  It's becoming increasingly common and, in my opinion, every business needs to get on board with chip technology immediately to stop this sort of crime from occurring.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Willmek Sign Works 'Customized Wall Art' Review & Giveaway

I have REALLY been looking forward to doing this review and giveaway.  I found out about Willmek Sign Works through my mother-in-law since she owns a graphic sign business.  Heidi of Willmek Sign Works is located in small town Saskatchewan and she makes unique, customized wall art as well as signs and vehicle graphics.  This review was great timing for us as we had been meaning to get rid of the wall paper border that used to be on Connor's wall and it's fun to have something a bit more grown up on the wall now.

Connor loves Thomas the Train so we asked Heidi to create a train wall mural with Connor's name incorporated into it.  She sent us an initial draft and, after a few e-mails back and forth, she came up with the final product which we are very happy with.  Most importantly, Connor loves his new train and talks about it every time he goes into his room.

Heidi's business is very unique in that she will take any idea you come up with and create an original design just for you.  Then, you can always provide additional suggestions and tweak the design (within reason of course).  Our suggestions were adding the train cars to the engine and a bit of steam puffing from the engine to add some balance.  She was willing to try anything and provided a few different options in our back and forth communications.  I have posted a few photos to show the final product.  I love that the letters are nice and large so Connor can practice saying and spelling his name.

One of the most important things about vinyl wall art is the actual application.  I am certainly no expert but Jeremy is since his mom owns a graphics shop and he has worked with his fair share of vinyl in the past.  We actually had some trouble putting the mural up the first time around because the masking layer wasn't quite sticky enough. After letting Heidi know, she promptly sent some new masking and it worked just fine.  The customer service throughout the process of designing and shipping the wall art has been fantastic.  Along with the wall art, she also sent detailed instructions and a small squeegee to help with the application.  The last time we bought wall art, we had to use a credit card so I appreciate the extra tool!

As I said, I am no expert at wall art or vinyl but Jeremy mentioned that he was very impressed with the details and variety of colours.  You don't often see wall art that allows for so many colours or such fine detail.  It's really quite exceptional and particularly impressive that you are able to choose exactly what you'd like. 

I have posted a couple more examples to show some of the other pieces that she has done.  Each custom wall art is roughly 30" in length and 18-22" tall.  Wall art is available in any size/colour and is completely customizable to you. 

The Giveaway:
One lucky blog reader will receive a customized piece of wall art that is roughly 30" in length and 18-22" tall. You will have your choice of design and Heidi would be happy to create something unique just for you.

As usual, I will use to select a winner and all entries must be made in separate comments.

How to Enter:
1.   Tell us what type of design you would choose for your child's wall art.
2.  "Like" Willmek Sign Works on Facebook.  Feel free to leave a compliment while you're there!
3.   Follow A Sophisticated Mommy via Google Friend Connect.
4.  "Like" A Sophisticated Mommy on Facebook.
5.   Share this giveaway. (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Forum)

This giveaway is open to Canada only.  Contest will be open until Friday, June 17th, 2011 at Midnight SK Time.

Here's Connor checking out his train for the first time.
Here are a couple more examples of Heidi's wall art.  The colours and details are fantastic and this will give you an idea of what she can do for girls' rooms too!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Mosaic with Two Young Kids - Not Recommended

First of all, I love Mosaic and everything about it from the lovely traditional clothing to the delicious authentic international cuisine to the entertaining music and dancing.  We like to go every year and I feel like we really connect with the whole event since Jeremy and I both lived abroad back in our young and carefree days...also known as our twenties.  Jeremy lived in Uruguay for a few months and I lived in Australia for a year and in Taiwan for four years.  Now that we've hit our thirties and have two young kids, things aren't quite as easy.  We can't just drive from one pavilion to another and squeeze in and out of the crowds at will.

We started the evening at the South America pavilion where things started off just fine.  We took a look around, observed the various booths with South American products and watched some of their traditional dances.  Both Aleena and Connor were happy to look around and curious about what we were doing.  We didn't stay too long before we headed to the Exhibition grounds to hit a few pavilions all in the same location.

Next up was the Phillipines!  I always enjoy this one and often see some of my students working or visiting there but didn't see anyone I knew this year.  We bought a plate full of local favourites and sat down for a few minutes to eat.  We had some rice, noodles, egg rolls, and kebabs.  Connor refused to eat anything and Aleena gulped down a lot of rice!  We watched the fantastic bamboo dancing which I always love to watch and then managed to squeeze our way out.  It's really just too crowded at these pavilions for a stroller or a two year old racing around.

Onto pavilion number three..the Ukranian Kiev pavilion.  I was still pretty hungry so we lined up for food.  Well, I lined up and we were happy to find a table for kids so Connor played with some play dough and Jeremy tried to keep an increasingly cranky baby happy.  Aleena wasn't very happy about the wait.  It took about fifteen minutes to get the food and then we spent another ten minutes trying to find somewhere to sit.  It's a bit frustrating trying to find somewhere to sit when there are hundreds of people NOT eating but taking up all the tables and chairs and not giving them up.  I felt like we looked kind of pathetic with Jeremy pushing a stroller and holding onto Connor while I carried a tray of food and drinks around.  I sent out my ..."please give us a break and give up your table look" but it didn't work and we finally managed to squeeze in at the end of a table.  Not exactly fun or entertaining at that point.  Connor still didn't want to eat anything and Aleena was starting to scream and cry.  

My mantra at the start of the day was "If we can do Disney World, we can do Mosaic".  I was dead wrong.  Disney World = Child-Friendly.  Mosaic = NOT Child-Friendly.  I realize that it's unrealistic to ask for high chairs or any understanding for people like us that attempt to attend an event that's not accomodating for young children but it's also kind of upsetting sometimes.  I want to go out with our family and not be cooped up so we'll continue to try attending these events from time to time.  We will be getting a babysitter for Mosaic next year, however.

We made three pavilions before Aleena experienced a total melt down.   Connor was also totally exhausted and not co-operating at that point either.  Aleena cried the whole way home...

I still love Mosaic...but not with a one year old and two year old. 

In much happier news, I've got everything ready to go for another review and giveaway.  I just need to write it up so I'll try to do it tomorrow night if all goes well.  There will even be some super cute video of Connor as he discovered something new just for him.  The giveaway itself is for boys or girls of any age.  Oh, and give a quick click to Top Mommy Blogs for me if you could!  Thanks!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Discovery Girls Magazine Giveaway Winner is..

Congrats to Leigh R!

You will receive the following items from Discovery Girls Magazine:
  • A complimentary one-year subscription to the magazine ($20 value)
  • 1 set of the Fab Girls book set ($40 value)
  • Special Collector's Edition ($10 value - to be released June 28, 2011)
As I mentioned in the giveaway post, these magazines are great for tween and teen girls and I am excited to add them to my classroom library.  Actually, the girls I let "review" them have started to pester me to bring them back to school so I may end up doing a follow up post on more of the materials in the weeks to come.

Here's their website again in case you are interested in ordering your own subscription:
Discovery Girls Magazine Website

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  I've got a couple more giveaways coming up very soon but I think my next post will be about the gong show that was Mosaic.  In case you aren't from Regina, Mosaic is a cultural festival with several "pavilions" around the city..I absolutely love it but it wasn't exactly a success with a one year old and two year old.  In all fairness, Mosaic is just as good as always but it's never been particularly accommodating for young families...time for a babysitter methinks.