Sunday, June 19, 2011

Welcome to the Weekly "We are Canadian Blog Hop!!"

One of the best things about having a mommy blog is networking with other Moms across Canada and seeing what they are up to. I just discovered yet another Canadian Blog Hop where you visit each other's blogs and find new ones to follow.  I thought I'd share since I know quite a few Mom bloggers out there who might be interested.  Enjoy!

Welcome to the weekly "We are Canadian Blog Hop!!"
The way this blog hop works is there are two co-hosts who everyone is expected to "follow" and then they choose a guest host each week based on a random draw from the previous week's blog hop.  You simply enter your blog link and then check out the other mom blogs that have posted their links and start "hopping" and following some new blogs.  It's a great way to get new followers but also a fantastic way to get some great new ideas for your own blog, find new giveaways to enter or find new interesting information. 

I am often asked how I find new reviews and giveaways for my own blog and it happens in a variety of ways.  One way is to see what other mom blogs are giving away and if something interests you, rattle off a quick e-mail to that company and odds are good they'd be happy to promote their product on your blog too.  It literally takes a few seconds which is good because that's often all I have.

There are lots of other blog hops out there but thought I'd feature this one tonight since it's new to me and is for Canadians only.


  1. Thanks for adding your link to the hop

  2. Great site! Following you on GFC and Twitter now.

  3. Oh wow!! thanks for promoting our hop!! It's a really fun one!

    Oh and another tip too, is if you start chatting with other bloggers, and you see an awesome giveaway that you love just ask a quick, hey do you mind sharing where you got that giveaway from? Some will say no, as they don't share, but I have found a lot of people say yes! I am one of them, and as long as it is cool with my sponsor I love to share!

  4. New follower from the hop! Following on GFC and Twitter:)
