Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Discovery Girls Magazine Giveaway Winner is..

Congrats to Leigh R!

You will receive the following items from Discovery Girls Magazine:
  • A complimentary one-year subscription to the magazine ($20 value)
  • 1 set of the Fab Girls book set ($40 value)
  • Special Collector's Edition ($10 value - to be released June 28, 2011)
As I mentioned in the giveaway post, these magazines are great for tween and teen girls and I am excited to add them to my classroom library.  Actually, the girls I let "review" them have started to pester me to bring them back to school so I may end up doing a follow up post on more of the materials in the weeks to come.

Here's their website again in case you are interested in ordering your own subscription:
Discovery Girls Magazine Website

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  I've got a couple more giveaways coming up very soon but I think my next post will be about the gong show that was Mosaic.  In case you aren't from Regina, Mosaic is a cultural festival with several "pavilions" around the city..I absolutely love it but it wasn't exactly a success with a one year old and two year old.  In all fairness, Mosaic is just as good as always but it's never been particularly accommodating for young families...time for a babysitter methinks.

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