Saturday, May 7, 2011

To My Mom... Happy Mother's Day!

I have to admit that this Mother's Day has come upon me quickly and I haven't thought about it much since my focus was on returning to work this past week.  I survived a very busy week and am happy to report that the kids did great at daycare and I am really enjoying my classes.

Now to Mother's Day...which is a lovely day to honour Mothers for everything they do.  I have always felt very lucky to have an amazing Mom...and she really is.  I think I became motivated to do so much in my life because she made me believe that I could do anything I wanted.  She also had high expectations for my behaviour but never for my achievements.  It's not that she didn't want me to do well in school or other areas of my life but she was just happy if I tried my best.  Perhaps this was because I was already an overachiever and she knew she didn't need to put even more pressure on me as I seem to do a good job of this on my own.

Either way, I appreciate the way she raised me.  It was easy to learn how to work hard when you had her as a role model.  I still have no idea how she maintained her sanity after having four kids in five years.  I can't even imagine what that would have been like.  Not only did she look after us when we were all very young but she was also taking university classes to complete her studies in Physiotherapy.  Now, my Mom is still working and she is still possibly the most organized and hard working person I know.  It's a close race between her and her mother.  I don't think I totally inherited that gene or maybe it just manifests itself in a different way.  I could definitely use more organization and planning in my life.

So for Mother's Day this year..I write this for my Mom to let her know how much I appreciate everything she has done for us over the years.  I really admire everything that she has accomplished and I appreciate the values she taught us.   I just hope that I can do the same for my children.  I love you Mom.  Thank you for being you.

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