Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Quick update from a working momma!

One of many odd items left in my classroom.
Yep, I'm still alive.  I have survived my first couple of days back to work and yesterday was already wayyyy better than Monday.  Of course, I am completely sleep deprived and exhausted but I must be running on adreneline because I feel a bit better today even though I still didn't get much sleep last night.  Aleena insists in waking up at 5:30 am everyday this week as if there's an alarm in her room.  I decided the alarm is clearly the sunrise and we will be investing in some room darkening curtains or blinds very soon!  On the upside, she goes back to sleeep again with a bit of milk so at least I can lie down for a while afterward.

All things considered, the transition back to work has gone very smoothly but it's still stressful.  New wake up hours, new routine for everyone, new students at school and just trying to figure out what has changed/not changed since I was at work last.  That, and the large amount of junk that has accumulated in my classroom in the past year.  I turned into a cleaning service for a while yesterday...wiping shelves, disposing of broken desks/chairs, etc. 

Despite any negatives, I love my job and it's been great catching up with my colleagues and my former (current) students.  I've also met some very interesting new students who I am looking forward to teaching and learning more about.  Part of what I love about my job is that I meet these students from other countries who don't know much English so you get to learn more and more about them as their English improves and it's absolutely fascinating to hear their stories.

As I said, this was a quick update and I'm still working on lots of fun things for my blog in between everything else....i.e. more giveaways of course.  I am off to get ready for work!

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