Friday, February 25, 2011

Tushie Huggers and Some Advice for Parents!

First and foremost, we'll start with the advice.  We put off attaching the dresser in Connor's room to the wall and just sort of forgot about it and it's never been a problem...until today!  Connor often spends time hanging out in his room and doesn't get into too much trouble.  He usually flips through books and "reads" them.  However, I took almost all his books out after he began to destroy them.  Since that occurred, he's been starting to get into other things including his dresser which I should have taken as a warning sign but didn't.  Fast forward to this morning when Jeremy heard a bang and opened the door to discover the dresser completed tipped over, contents on top of it all over the floor, and Connor standing in the corner on the opposite wall.  We *think* he was climbing up on it or at least pulling on it.  We are not sure how he eluded the dresser as it fell down but our guess is it threw him off of it.  Regardless of what happened, please use our experience as a reminder to attach your toddler's furniture to the wall if you haven't done so already. 

On a happier note, I noticed Agoo Tushie Huggers on today and thought I could show any interested mommies what they look like on my little girl.  I bought some from Mother of a Sale before Christmas but bought the size 12-24 month size so they are a little big.  I've noticed Agoo products on quite a few daily deal sites and believe there are still some products available in the Mother of a Sale archives as well (which happens to be Canadian so it ships more quickly).

The Agoo Tushie Huggers are super cute and the material is nice and stretchy but in a good way.  It has stretch but bounces back too.   They weren't too difficult to get on.  It was basically just like putting regular pants on.  I guess it's kind of an easy way to do the skirt/leg warmers look without having to put three separate items on your little one.  These bottoms definitely won't stay on for diaper changes although I don't keep BabyLegs on for diaper changes either.   Aleena's wearing them for the first time today so I can't speak to their longevity but so far, I like them and they look pretty adorable especially with the matching top.

ETA:  Just checked Mother of a Discount and they don't have the Tushie Huggers anymore but they have lots of other Agoo clothing.  I would expect to see the Tushie Huggers on other daily deal sites in the future though.  Mother of a Discount still has the yoyo10 discount code that you can use until today for 10% off everything including the Oh Katy pocket diapers (just in case you decide to buy something).

1 comment:

  1. Stopping by from FB! I love baby legs! I recently ordered some Agoo Leggings for a friend of mine who is due to have a baby girl soon and I can't wait to see what they look like on her!
