Saturday, February 26, 2011

What a "Pinterest"ing Concept!

Thanks to Amanda, a fellow mommy blogger ( and friend, I have yet another thing to keep me busy online.  I am hoping it actually saves me time but it likely won't.  You are wondering what I'm talking about so I'll get to the "Pinterest"ing part of this post.  Amanda introduced me to  It's basically like an online bookmarking site which isn't totally a new concept except this one lets you categorize, label, and even keep track of prices of things you like online.  It doesn't have to be just items you'd like to buy although I'm sure that's what a lot of people use it for.  You could make note of a home decorating idea, a favourite photograph, a cute craft, or a dream travel destination.

I took a screen capture to show you what it looks like.

This is a screenshot of one board.  You can also view all boards at once or choose other preferences.
You can "Pin" items by adding the tab into your web browser so it's easy to click whenever you find something you like.  It basically takes all the images on a pages and allows you to "Pin" the ones you want to keep in your Pinterest account.  You can categorize everything as you put them onto your virtual bulletin boards, referred to simply as "Boards".  I just started with all of this and my boards so far are Baby Girl, Baby Products, Books Worth Reading, For the Home, etc.  I'm really looking forward to using it on a regular basis and seeing what sort of collection I come up with.  I just know there are so many times when I find something I would like to save or "Pin" for future reference and then it takes me forever to find it again or I just don't find it again.  This will hopefully solve that problem!

The thing with for now is that they seem to have limited space which means they are slowly adding people on an invitation basis.  You can also request an invite but it takes about a week to go through unless you have someone you know already using it and willing to give you one of their five invites.  Now, I just signed up and still have my invites so if you'd like to try this out, the first few people to ask me for invites will get them.  I just need an e-mail address to invite can find me through my e-mail on my blog or via Facebook quite easily.  :-)

With new sites like, I always wonder how they plan on making money or how they are making it already.  Hopefully, we don't see a whole bunch of annoying ads pop up someday.  So far, it has a nice clean look and it's free.  Let's hope it miraculously stays that way.

Oh, and I totally forgot the best feature.  You can add your friends and follow their pins.  They show up as a gorgeous collage of goodies on your main page so you can check out all the cool stuff your friends found online too.  You can find friends through a Facebook or Twitter account.  Feel free to find me through my Twitter account.  I hope you all found this as "Pinterest"ing as me!


  1. So glad you are having fun with it, I told you it would be addicting!!

  2. I would love an invite if you still have some. Please and Thanks :)

  3. Guess I should leave my email just in case -

  4. Hi Jessica, I just saw this and will send you an e-mail! :-)
