Wednesday, December 29, 2010

ENVIROSAX Review and Giveaway!

I don't usually set New Year's resolutions for myself because they never really work.  Then, I just feel incredibly guilty for failing at whatever I had decided I was going to achieve.  However, I'll go with the old adage and say "this year will be different" and that's because I am setting an attainable, earth-friendly goal that will not only benefit myself but also future generations.  With such a huge responsibility to look after our precious planet and set the right example for my kids, I am determined to be successful.

Without further rhetoric, my New Year's resolution is to stop using plastic grocery bags and only use reusable shopping bags.  I feel guilty for not doing this already as I have had great intentions at changing before and I always seem to forget to bring my reusable bags.  However, starting immediately, I am going to make a concerted effort to stick to my plan.  I am also going to admit if I mess up and that might be rather embarrassing with the blogosphere holding me accountable.

Now to the review and giveaway that is going to help me stay on track!  I recently discovered the Envirosax brand of reusable shopping bags and they are a huge improvement over the cheaper, non-user friendly ones that are available near checkouts in your local grocery store.  There are so many things that I like about them so I'll go with point form to keep it brief.

What I love about Envirosax:
  • Large and roomy
  • Holds up to 44 lbs worth of stuff!
  • Stylish designs that make you want to use them for all sorts of things
  • Wide, flat handles for comfortable carrying
  • Light, thin fabric
  • Easy to fold with a button strap to hold it together once it's rolled up
  • Fully washable
  • Water resistant
  • They come in sets of five with a variety of coordinating patterns
  • The Envirosax company believes in fair trade and has no middle men with their production overseas
There are many more reasons that they are a great shopping bag (and environmentally-minded company) and you can find a ton of information on their website, particularly in the FAQ's.  

Here's a couple photos of the Envirosax bag they sent us to try out.  Of course, we chose Elmo from their Sesame Street series but there are lots of other designs to choose from.  We used our bag throughout the holiday season and it's still looking good as new after being stuffed full of toys and gifts.

For this giveaway, Envirosax is giving the winner their choice of an Envirosax pouch which includes five reusable shopping bags in a handy pouch.   

Now, let's get to the details!  There are five ways to enter this contest.  I will be numbering entries and using a random online selector to pick the winner.  If you are leaving a comment below and don't have a public profile, please make sure to leave an e-mail address.

You can receive up to five entries:
1.  Comment on this post and tell us which pouch is your favourite on the Envirosax website.
2.  "Like" A Sophisticated Mommy on Facebook and "like" or comment on the giveaway post.
3.  Share this post on Facebook or Twitter.  You can just let me know you did this in the comments.
4.  Follow my blog.
5.  Bonus Entry:  Let me know if you already use reusable shopping bags on a regular basis OR if you promise to make an effort to only use reusable shopping bags for the New Year!  Once again, just let me know in the comments.

The contest will be open until Monday, January 3rd, 2010 at midnight.  I will announce and contact the winner the following day.

Here are a couple more photos of the Envirosax bag with our 8 month old daughter just to give you an idea of how big the bags actually are.


  1. My favorite is the candy bag 4

  2. I like you on facebook and liked the giveaway post.
    Alisha K

  3. I shared this giveaway on facebook

  4. I am a follower of your blog.

  5. I try to use my reusable shopping bags each trip but once in awhile if I am in a hurry i do forget.

  6. Great giveaway (and review!) - I love the candy series! They look WAY better than the generic grocery store ones!

  7. I really like the Botanica Pouch series.

  8. I really do try to remember my reusable bags but forget them alot of the time. I dislike the paper bags I get at my grocery store if I don't bring my reusable ones so I'm going to try to remember the ones I have more often.

  9. And I already like you on fb and have liked your giveaway post.

  10. I like Mikado. I always use my reusable bags while grocery shopping. I like you on FB and liked the post.

  11. I like you on FB & liked this giveaway post

  12. I do use reusable bags as often as I can but do sometimes forget.

  13. Love the Bloom set! Using something so pretty is just the little push I need to convert to re-usable.

  14. I am loving all of these!!! I really like the Origami Series and the Mikado!!

  15. I love the Candy Series, and in the Candy Series i LOVE the Candy Bag 1 its pattern is so pretty!
    elliott_Gyal at hotmail dot com

  16. I like you on FB and "liked" and commented on the giveaway post you have there :) My name there is Belinda Nicholson Cage Skuta
    elliott_gyal at hotmail dot com

  17. shared on twitter:
    elliott_gyal at hotmail dot com

  18. hey Trudy- i shared the link on my FB and i try to use reusable bags as much as i can- these fold up so nice it would be really easy to always have them handy!

  19. I follow you via GFC
    elliott_gyal at hotmail dot com

  20. 80% of the time I use reusable bags.. Sometimes though Im in a hurry and forget to bring them. In the new year I will try and be more deligent with bringing them and not forgetting!
    elliott_Gyal at hotmail dot com

  21. The Bloom Pouch would be my choice.

  22. Ooh, these bags are gorgeous! My favourites are the Origami Series, and the Mystique of Morocco.

  23. My favourites are the La Boheme and the Nomad.

  24. I use reusable bags most of the time, but not 100%. With these, I would have no more reasons not to!

  25. I love the Bloom series!
    luvmypum at telus dot net

  26. My favorite are the Sesame Street bags, specifically the Elmo one!!!

  27. I use reusable shopping bags all of the time! I own some Envirosax and they are great and very durable!!!

  28. I use reusable shopping bags as often as I can!!! I've been wanting to purchase these gorgeous bags but haven't yet. I love the Nomad pouch and the Retro Graphic series. I "liked" you on facebook and "liked" the giveaway post. I am also following your blog and will try to repost on FB! My mother-in-law uses Envirosax and says they are the best reusable bags out there!!!

  29. I like the Midnight Safari pouch collection.

  30. I follow Sophisticated Mommy on FB.

  31. I receive a couple of the enviro bags a couple of years ago from my sister in Seattle and use them all the time at the drug stores and grocery stores. I forgot a bag on an airplane one time(hung it from the arm on my seat) and was sick at the thought of it being thrown away. I have received many nice compliments on them and they are so compact and great to use.

  32. I like the style of the Mikado series. They just look really pretty to me.
    sylivys at hotmail dot com

  33. I like Sophisticated Mommy on Facebook and left a comment on the giveaway post.
    sylivys at hotmail dot com

  34. Shared this post on Facebook!/sylvia.esparza
    sylivys at hotmail dot com

  35. They are all so nice, I can't decide what I like best. DH says Oxford.

  36. I follow your blog and I 'like' you on facebook! I use reuseable cloth bags every week on grocery-shop day.

  37. I use reusuable cloth bags all the time. But I do forget when I run in to grab something. Small sacs like these would be easier to carry everywhere.

  38. I am following your blog thru GFC.
    sylivys at hotmail dot com

  39. I have a collection of reusable bags. So yes I have made a conscience effort to move away from plastic/paper shopping bags. I have started collecting them. My cousin just sent me some from Disneyland that are really cute.
    sylivys at hotmail dot com

  40. Well my little boy would definitely like Elmo and the Sesame Street series, but I like the Planet Green set.
    chenvacation at

  41. I already like you on FB, and I have been regularly using reusable bags for groceries and trips to the library. I keep a few in the car so that if I'm in a rush out the door with the 2 kids, it's okay.

  42. My favorite pouches are the origami line! Beautiful!

    sbabij2 at shaw dot ca

  43. Following on GFC

    sbabij2 at shaw dot ca

  44. I regularly use reusable bags - I feel better about doing my part for the environment.

    sbabij2 at shaw dot ca

  45. My favorite is Marshmallow - so cute

  46. FB fan already and liked post

  47. Shared on FB - Holly D Lawson

  48. I really want to try to use bags more often in 2011 instead of plastic!

  49. I love the candy series bags. They are pretty. The last one in the row is my fave.

  50. Also, I use reuseable bags all the time. They are way easier to carry than the cheapo plastic ones they give you at the grocery stores! :)

  51. I shared your post to facebook! And just for kicks, I will post your blog entry in my blog entry. Do I get bonus marks for that?

  52. I love the Sesame Street series especially Elmo and Grover.

  53. I liked you on FB.

  54. I try hard to only use reusable bags - I carry them in my diaper bag and always have them in my car for grocery shopping. I will have to make more of an effort to use them for all around shopping.

  55. I liked you on FB and this post and I love Envirosax!! I have two of them and use them quite often! I love the Candy series and the kids ones!

  56. my fav is oasis 5. I had one and somehow lost it! I have posted this on my facebook and blog

  57. Also, I have been using reusable bags exclusively since Sept 1 when our city implemented a single use bag bylaw :)

  58. I love La Boheme pouch but to tell you the truth I love love love all of them. I already use envirosax and have been giving it as gifts to all my family and friends and would love to spread more. I also plan on using envirosax for my gift bags during a trade show I'm doing for my company.

  59. I like the Candy series.

  60. Shared on my FB profile :)

  61. I TRY to use reusable shopping bags but I usually forget to bring them in the store with me. I like how these fold up so small - I could have them right in my purse with me.

  62. I love the midnight safari.

  63. I try to use reuseable bags. I have an HBC sac that lives in my purse but its getting ratty. For grocery shopping, the fabric bags live in my car so they are easier to remember and the latest addition was mesh produce bags so we can stop using all the little plastic ones.

  64. I love the Botanica Series!
    theblackat at hotmail dot com

  65. I like a Sophisticated Mommy on Facebook.
    theblackat at hotmail dot com

  66. I follow you on Twitter. @klcmaher
    theblackat at hotmail dot com

  67. I follow your blog via GFC.
    theblackat at hotmail dot com

  68. I use reusable grocery bags when I shop. After shopping, I empty them and fold them up. I pack them all inside one bag and put them in the back of my Jeep so I have them when I shop the next time.
    theblackat at hotmail dot com

  69. I like them all!! Hard to choose!

  70. I use reusable sacks for every grocery shopping trip. I would love some cute ones to use when I'm shopping for myself though :)

  71. I like the Bamboo series of bags!
    Melissa N (m_melnychuk(at)

  72. I'm a fan on Facebook.
    Melissa N (m_melnychuk(at)

  73. google reader subscriber
    Melissa N (m_melnychuk(at)

  74. I use reusable bags 95% of the time. Just like exercising, once you get in the habit it is easy!
    Melissa N (m_melnychuk(at)

  75. I have reposted this on FB... but I really don't want other people to enter! LOL

  76. I follow your blog with Google!

  77. I like the sesame street bags!!

  78. I am a fan on facebook!

  79. We use reusable bags 95% of the time-we do forget sometimes when we run in to grab something

  80. shared the post on facebook

  81. follow the blog on twitter
