Friday, December 31, 2010

Canadian Daily "Deal" Websites

Oh Canada!  Here's a Canadian-specific daily deals post for us Canadian girls.  Actually, I believe that all of these websites also ship to the US as well.  Since Canada Post is pricey for shipping, I don't think these websites are a whole lot cheaper than the American counterparts.  However, there are many reasons you should at least check them out.
  • First and foremost, they are Canadian and it's always nice to support our own businesses.
  • No duty!
  • Shipping might cost the same (or be even more expensive) but it's way faster!
  • They make an effort to find Canadian products tailored to us (e.g. mittens, boots, tuques).
  • If you live near one of their shops, local pickup could be an option for you.
  • Just a few more sites to check out for deals and to learn about interesting products for babies and kids.
Here are the Canadian daily deal sites I've encountered thus far.  Once again, feel free to add any sites that I have overlooked in the comments and I'll add them.
  • (Burlington, Ontario) - The best way to keep up with their deals is to 'like' them on Facebook.  They have daily deals but also have additional deals throughout the day which they notify people of through their Facebook fan page.  They call these "SHHH" deals and you'll have to click through to the winking face on their website to find them.  This site doesn't sell out as quickly as some other daily deal websites so it's still worth checking out at any time.  They also keep deals up so they aren't "until they're gone" like most other deal sites.  You can still buy things and combine shipping which is a bonus .  Their archives are located here: Baby Heist Archives.  Baby Heist also offers coupon codes with an online store called  I am not sure exactly what their business partnership is /(or if it's actually the same store?) but they carry many of the same products.  Maybe someone can clarify this for me in the comments.  I just ordered my first items from them so I'll update with how fast it arrives.  They just shipped it via Canada Post today and I believe I ordered yesterday so that's a good start.
  • (Vancouver, BC) - This is a newer site and they are still working on one of their major sections which will offer coupons and is aptly named motherofacoupon.  They have daily deals (although it hasn't been updated much since Christmas).  They also have an archives section which is called motherofadiscount.  They recently had coupon codes for their already discounted items so there was an opportunity to save 70-90% on some items.  I purchased some Agoo clothing and leggings for my baby girl and got a lot of clothes for a great price.  They offered flat rate shipping as well and it arrived within a couple of weeks.  You can sign up for e-mails from them for coupon codes and and stay up to date on their Facebook page.
  • and (New Westminster, BC) - and are baby deal websites owned by the same company. (Please note that these two websites are totally unrelated to the Mother of a Sale deals website) is a website that provides Moms with insight on freebies and great deals.  You can "like" on Facebook to find out about the deals, coupons and promotions they are sharing., on the other hand, has "cuddles" (aka deals) once a week as well as lots of other things going on like giveaways, featured products, stories about mom entrepreneurs and product reviews.  Of course, you can find their social networking site on Facebook as well.  They sometimes have special promotions or clearance sales that you can find out about through Facebook, Twitter or an e-mail subscription.
  • The Funky Tricycle (Victoria, BC) - Currently, they only have one deal a week although they had more during Boxing Week.  They offer higher end baby products from what I've seen thus far.  They have a very nice website and set up and offer some interesting things.  You can also keep up with them through a variety of social networking tools including Facebook. One disadvantage is that they don't ship things out until they are sold out or until the end of the week.  If you live in Victoria, you can contact them and arrange local pickup though. 
  •  Mama's ReTreat (Nanaimo, BC) - This is another newer site and so far, I really like it!  I was looking for some Zoobies on daily deal sites before Christmas and couldn't find ones I liked.  Then, Mama's ReTreat came through and I got both kids a Zoobie for Christmas with Express Post shipping at a very reasonable rate.  It was a nice change to receive a package literally a couple days after I ordered it compared to the 3+ weeks I am used to with US baby deal sites.   Most items are offered with flat rate shipping which is great for buying multiple items or taking advantage of combined shipping offers when they are available.   Mama's ReTreat makes an effort to feature lots of Canadian products although not exclusively which is fine with me.  They also take requests and make an attempt to get those things for customers.  Finally, there is a reward program on purchases and referrals although I think you need a whole schwack of points before it's worth very much.  It's still a benefit so people might as well use it since it's there and earn a few dollars towards future purchases.  There isn't an archive but you can view previous "treats" on their blog.  Of course, you can also "like" them on Facebook to stay up to date with their deals and special promotions.
Those are the major Canadian deal sites that I know of right now.  I am sticking with sites that sell products directly to consumers.  Let me know if I have missed any and I'll be happy to add them.  For all sites including US ones, please refer to my Daily "Deal" Websites post.

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    1. You've forgotten the best Canadian daily deals site.

    2. Great list of deal sites. Here's the latest and greatest Canadian deal site -

    3. Thanks! I'll check it out. :-)

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. will be launching very soon!

    6. Thanks! I'll add it soon..look forward to seeing what it offers!

    7. I love to read and appreciate your work.
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    8. This is very interesting blog to read about Canadian Daily "Deal" Websites. This blog gives us list of deal sites in a better way. You can visit one more amazing website Get That Deal, it gives you great daily deals from local business owners looking to promote their products to local consumers.
