Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Coliseum and The Roman Forum

Date: August 11th, 2012
Itinerary: Rome, Italy
Hotel:  Hotel Lancelot 

Happy 5th Anniversary to us!  This was a day we were very much looking forward to...what better way to spend a special anniversary than touring the famous Colloseum and the Roman Forum!  We spent the extra money on the upgraded tour with access to the underground area and the upper tiers.  It was well worth the cost and the tour was very interesting.

We learned that the Colosseum was actually called The Flavian Amphitheatre and it used to have a covering.  This made us consider Regina's potential new stadium.  If the Romans could do it thousands of years ago, then we should be able to do it now!  We also learned about the various entrances and the rules for seating.  For example, women were allowed to attend but had to stand in the upper tiers.  The wealthy entered through one particular gate number and had prime seating (of course).

We REALLY enjoyed this tour and managed to take some interesting photos.  We also enjoyed the Roman Forum and all the buildings that still remain after thousands of years.  It's hard to comprehend how old everything is even as you stand amongst the ruins.  We were in awe and took a lot of photos.  With that said, here are several and I'll try providing some captions to describe everything

On the main floor of the Coliseum overlooking the underground areas that are now exposed.
At some point in history, a Pope decided that the Colosseum had religious significance.
Roman Numerals denoting the gate number.  These are only readable on a small section that is cleaned.  The rest of the building is covered in a layer of pollution and you can not read these numbers.

Underground - This is where gladiators and animals were housed until they fought.  They were lifted up via trap doors into the arena. 
A recent addition - A replication of what the main floor would have looked like.

The underground maze of rooms and hallways.

Picture from the Roman Forum looking towards the Colosseum.
More ancient ruins at the Roman Forum

At The Roman Forum

That's a big pizza pie!

At the Pantheon


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