Monday, March 5, 2012

Just in time for Spring!

We bought the Kidorable rain coats last fall and I was waiting patiently for the matching boots to appear on  They finally showed up a few weeks ago and we received the boots last week.  I thought I'd post a photo here since I know it's always nice to see "real life" photos rather than the ones posted on the website.  I was really impressed with the quality of the Kidorable rain jackets ..and the amazing attention to detail in the designs.  The boots are similarily well made and I've been happy with both purchases especially when they were half price on a deals site. 

I have cut back significantly on my online shopping and am only really buying essentials that I can rationalize these days.  There is an empowering feeling to planned spending though.  I knew we needed the rubber boots and felt no guilt in buying them when they showed up.  Imagine that!

Of course, the kids love their boots.  Connor wore his all weekend..literally.  He even talked about wearing his rubber boots again today but it's still a bit too cold.  Based on the weather forecast of 8-10 degrees for next weekend, it won't be long before he'll be wearing them all the time.  Now, we just need to find some splash pants!  Any suggestions would be welcome. 

Since I'm busy writing tonight, I just wanted to mention how excited I am for the online auction for the Radiothon!  I've had some fantastic items donated and I am looking forward (albeit nervously) to announcing our grand total for this year's event "on air".  I have an interview on Z99 on March 15th at 4:15 pm so listen carefully if you happen to tune in! 

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