Sunday, August 14, 2011

Saskatoon River Run Race Report and Photos

Well, it's nice to be back on my blog!  I was away last week on a family trip and then back on the road again this weekend to run a 10km race in Saskatoon.  The race was called the Saskatoon River Run and I did the 10 km distance today.  I had initially registered for the half marathon but I spent most of July with a cold and have been having some odd calf muscle issues. 

We took the whole family this time around.  It's the first race both kids have attended so that was kind of fun for me.  I am not sure Jeremy would say the same but he had fun taking lots of photos at the park.  The weather was perfect today and the only annoying aspect were the fish flies that seemed to be everywhere.

I used to set goals for races and I kind of hoped to keep up a faster pace than I did but taking my recent health issues into consideration and the warmer than normal weather, I was quite happy with my result.  My final chip time was 53:49 and I finished 6th out of 24 in my age group/gender.  My PB for a 10 km was set several years ago (pre-babies) and I believe it was around 48:45.  I still have dreams of getting back to that level but I guess it won't be this summer.  I know I'll have to take a significant break to let my leg heal before I can push myself too hard.  I am a bit concerned as my half marathon is scheduled for September 11th and I know I won't be anywhere close to 100% by then.  I will have to struggle through like I did today.  My only hope is that possibly a slower pace for the first half will help to get me through it.  I can't imagine dropping out of an event...but realize this is a possibility next month.

I don't mean to complain about my injury.  I think it's good for people to know that running is hard though...I have no magical tonic that makes it easy for me.  I feel proud everytime I finish a race. 

Here are some of the fun photos from today.  Enjoy!

My "sprint" to the end.
Unfortunately, this is an accurate representation of how I felt.  My leg was killing me.
We were posing for a photo when Connor sat on my sore leg.
I laughed instead of cried.
Post race food!
A bit cranky about all the bugs flying around. 
Still my happy baby girl!

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