Sunday, July 10, 2011

Gone Fishing!

One of my favourite things is our annual fishing trip.  When I was younger, our family always went on a fishing trip each summer and we are lucky enough to be able to continue with this tradition.  Thanks to a willing babysitter, Jeremy and I go fishing each day and my Mom babysits the kids.  They love spending time with Grandma and we get some much needed quiet time.

This year, the weather and fishing were great and we had a really nice time.  In fact, the weather was almost too nice as it was HOT in the boat and we required many applications of sun screen. Even then, Jeremy ended up with an interesting layer of red to contrast with his fair skin.  He looks rather patriotic in colour now.

We caught a lot of fish and ate a lot of fish and brought a lot of fish home.  The kids had a great time playing with Grandma.  They went for wagon rides, played with Grandma's retro toys (which seem more entertaining than the newer ones) and spend lots of time in the wading pool.  They also had super long afternoon naps..must've been all the fresh air and excitement!

We knew Connor and Aleena were too young to spend much time in the boat but we thought it'd be fun to take them for a boat ride one evening.  Poor Aleena looked a bit uncomfortable in her life jacket but it says 20-30 pounds and she's nowhere near 30 lbs yet so I am not sure why it was so tight!  They both seemed unsure about it at first but they both enjoyed the ride.  At the very least, the cool air felt nice after a couple of hot days.

I took a few photos but not a lot.  With a baby and toddler, it doesn't feel like there's much time to grab a camera for photos.  Here's some photos from our trip..and yes, we weren't exactly roughing it.  We ate our meals at my parents' RV and we actually rented a two bedroom cabin which was fantastic and helped us maintain some sanity and sense of relaxation.

Aleena eating pancakes for breakfast.
Sitting with her Grandma.
Breakfast in the great outdoors.
Hubby wearing his layers to avoid the sun!
Going for a boat ride!
Camera shy?!
Pelicans in the distance.
While we were on the fishing trip, I had a chance to review something I've wanted to try out for a long time!  I will post the review and giveaway later today so be sure to check it out.  I've hinted about it before so many of you may already know!  Just think camping...and I will post it today for sure as I'd like to do the giveaway for a week and get the prize out to the winner ASAP so it can be used this summer.

1 comment:

  1. Love the camera shy picture!!! Very very cute! Happy we r Canadian blog hoping! :)
