Monday, July 11, 2011

First Day at Daycare!

Up until now, the kids have been going to dayhomes.  We were on the waiting list at a daycare in the meantime as I always wanted to keep the option open.  I don't want to get into the debate on which is better because I think they both have their advantages and disadvantages and it's a personal decision depending on what works best for each family.

I was very nervous and anxious about how Connor would do today.  He's not potty trained yet and he is joining the three plus years group since he's almost three and we don't want to change him after only a couple of months.  Fortunately, the staff was great about it and it wasn't an issue at all.  In fact, he didn't even notice that I left and threw a temper tantrum when I picked him up at the end of the day.  He was having too much fun playing and didn't want to leave.  I struggled to carry both kids to the truck and was relieved when a staff member carried Aleena for me.  Yeesh..I need to take some treats to bribe him to leave I guess.

As for Aleena, she was just fine and even had a two hour nap for them!  I was so happy to hear this because she only naps well when she is comfortable somewhere.  The infant centre seems fantastic.  They have a very low caregiver/infant ratio and I know Aleena will be well looked after.  Everyone was very friendly and cheerful and they all clearly love children. 

Honestly, my anxiety disappeared within moments of arriving at the daycare centre this morning and I enjoyed my day without worry.  The kids aren't new to daycare anyway so I knew they'd adjust especially once I saw how fantastic everyone was with the kids.  I had a good day today..went for a run, mowed the lawn, relaxed at home and then took a quick trip to Costco.  I have so many things on my list of things to do this summer but will pace myself!  It's so nice to have some time to myself and am glad I can trust that Connor and Aleena are well taken care of.  Whew!

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