Saturday, May 14, 2011

Meal Planning Inspiration and General Updates

Aleena wearing her new tutu from Jaid Creations!
I posted about quick and easy meal planning ideas on my Facebook page yesterday.  Since returning to work, I am finding it a huge challenge to prepare meals when I am exhausted and the kids are still a bit wired after being at daycare all day.  I have still been making meals but they are boring ones with noodles or rice, some sort of meat and heated up frozen or canned veggies.  I'd really like to figure out a plan for making more interesting and tasty meals during the week.  I think that the slow cooker is a good option but I don't enjoy slow cooker meals everyday.  I am also considering the possibility of preparing some casseroles that I can just throw in the oven for a while when I get home.

They key to balancing my work with the kids seems to be organization and planning.  So far, it's going all right and I am lucky that I am only back for a few weeks and then off again for the summer.  It's going to be nice to have some time to myself to organize things around the house and just relax at times.  We have to keep our daycare spots for the summer so I may as well take advantage of those hours.  It's funny because I feel kind of guilty for taking them to daycare when I don't have to but I know I should just get over that feeling of guilt and enjoy having a few moments to myself since I haven't had that in ...years!

So here's a few updates on other things in my life.

Running: I still do it..but not as much as I would like to!  I was running 3 times a week until I went back to work and now I make sure to run both Saturday and Sunday at the very least.  My hope is to run even once or twice during the week but I haven't stressed myself about it too much because I know we've been through a lot of changes these past two weeks and I have to give myself a break.  I signed up for a half marathon in September so I have something to work towards.  I would also like to do a couple shorter races before then..possibly a 10 km next month if I can get these legs moving a bit more often.  I need to run about 5 times a week to train for the half marathon so I need to work it into my life soon.

Baking: That hasn't happened in a while but I want to make some healthy breads or muffins this weekend.  I miss my KitchenAid Mixer and I think it misses me too.  That's what the dust collecting on it means, right?

Not much else is new...just work, daycare, and trying to make it through each day in one piece.  :-)

As for blog news:
  • I desperately need consistent votes on Top Mommy Blogs!  Please click on the logo on my blog to vote when you visit my blog. It only takes a moment and every vote makes a huge difference in the rankings.  Apparently my return to work has correlated with a huge drop in the rankings.  Keep voting for a working momma! :-P
  • I have lots of fantastic giveaways coming up and can't wait to share them!  I'd love to drop hints but I like to make sure that everything is 100% certain before I mention it.
  • Take a moment to enter the giveaway for a customized tutu from Jaid Creations, which is owned by a lovely stay at home mommy from Manitoba.  Jaid Creations Reivew and Giveaway
  • Post your quick and easy meal ideas or even specific recipes on my Facebook Page under Discussions.  I want to make a few and blog about them in the next few weeks.  I think a lot of us could use some fresh meal ideas so let's stop hoarding our favourite recipes and share!
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.  We finally have some warm, sunny weather here and I am excited to spend some time outdoors today (hopefully running).  Have a great day!!


  1. To make things easy I often will cook up a bunch of hamburg ahead of time and season it for Tacos, spaghetti, chili, etc... and then I put them in freezer bags and label them. I freeze them flat and it takes literally minutes to defrost in a pan!

    FYI - everytime I check your blog I vote. ;)

  2. Thanks Lyne! I appreciate the votes and will check out the recipes.

  3. I try and vote everytime I take a read through also! Thanks for the giveaway

  4. Thanks mamawee! Be sure to check out the giveaway linky at the top of the page as well.
