Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Back from Disney World!

Poor Aleena didn't like the characters.
For those of you that don't know, my family spent the past two weeks in sunny and very hot Orlando, Florida.  We went to Disney World, Seaworld and Orlando Premium Outlet Mall (yep, that was a major attraction for me at least).  I plan on spending the next couple of weeks writing about our travels and posting a few photos.  Hopefully we can help out anyone traveling to Disney World especially those of you with small children.  I also plan on keeping this all for myself for the future as I'd love to go back again someday.  I realize that we were a bit limited in what we could accomplish and I'd like to do more rides next time around.

With that said, we still had a great time and I was pleasantly surprised at how much we could do with an eleven month old and two and a half year old.  I should also add that we went when they were so young because my husband had a conference there and it just made sense to plan a family trip around it since we haven't really been anywhere in almost four years.  It was at least attainable with Aleena almost being one year old now.  I am also still on maternity leave too so I didn't need to worry about taking any days off work..I just missed one of my university classes.  On that topic, I have a presentation tonight so that should be interesting...good thing it's only worth ten percent of our mark.

Just one last reminder that The Sling Sisters Giveaway ends tonight.  Also, I have lots more wonderful giveaways coming up this Spring AND if you're from Regina, don't forget about the Regina Baby Expo this upcoming Sunday.  I am excited to go this year after I missed it last year due to having a baby on that very day.  I think that was a pretty good excuse to miss it.  On that note, it's definitely prime time to get ready for Aleena's first birthday...so much to do and so little time.  What's new?!

By the way, if you could just click on that Top Mommy Blogs logo when you visit my blog, I'd really appreciate it.  You don't have to do any searching or register to vote...you just simply need to click on the logo and it automatically registers the vote once per day.  TIA!

Watch out Disney! We're bringing our two under three!
The Pirates of the Caribbean was fantastic...we took the kids on almost all of these "experiences".
The character dinner at The Crystal Palace with Winnie the Pooh and friends.  It was my favourite meal at Disney..a bit pricey but worth it for the characters and a huge buffet.


  1. Great pics! Looks like you guys had lots of fun!

    Lexie Lane
