Sunday, February 27, 2011

Top 50 Baby!!

Yep, that's me in the Top 50 on Top Mommy Blogs!  In the spirit of the evening with the Oscars and is my very short acceptance speech in honour of this humbling award.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my children.  Without them, this award would not be possible as I would not be a mommy and therefore not qualify for such an esteemed award of this magnitude.  Second, I would like to thank all the other mommies out there for their ongoing support.  I would also like to thank my husband for accepting my slight obsession with my mommy blog.  Finally, I'd like to thank my brother, Curt, for encouraging my competitive spirit in this venture.

Lastly, it might not be appropriate at the Oscars to ask for more votes after winning such an award but I am going to do just that!  Why stop at Top 50?!  Let's go for Top 25!  Now, this will require a lot of commitment and hard work but I think we can do it.  It may require voting on multiple devices, sneaking some clicks in on your work computer or possibly taking advantage of that extra IP address on your cell phone.  However, I have a dream...

I guess that music means I'm running out of time...thank you everyone!!!  Oh, and thanks to my Mom..oh, and my Dad..and....