Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Family Day!

Our Family Day started off with a very quick wake up!  We had a photo session scheduled for the kids as they are participating in Regina's Cutest Baby Photo Contest through Perfect Image Photography.

It's a good thing that they are naturally cute because there was no time for prettying up beyond a diaper change and getting dressed.  We woke up at 9:10 am and managed to get the kids ready and at the photographer's house by 10:00 am sharp (we may have been a couple minutes late but I didn't check).  I will post a couple of the photos that were taken once they're available.  Let's just say that they've got way more photos of Aleena to choose from.  It took a while for her to warm up to the camera but once she did, she was posing like a super model.  Toddlers are just too busy for photo sessions but I think we managed to get at least a few decent photos.

After the photos were done, we decided to go for brunch since it was Family Day after all.  That, and we rarely go to restaurants anymore!  It went pretty well except that I was so busy feeding Aleena that I didn't have time to choose something to order from the menu.  I ended up choosing the first thing I saw on the menu since it seemed to have a variety of items.  Let's just say that Jeremy said I ordered the "Trucker's Breakfast".  Actually, it was called the Big Country Breakfast (and for good reason) was almost enough breakfast to feed a country after all.  I received a plate with three extra large pancakes topped with three huge slabs of ham.  On the side, there was a huge pile of scrambled eggs, two sausages, and two pieces of bacon.   I was a bit embarrassed when it arrived but I managed to eat some and leave a lot.

Once we got home, everyone had a nice nap except for me.  I read more fascinating information about the Curriculum Design Process (insert a bit of sarcasm here but not too much as it's not that bad). 

Back to the photo contest, there will be one photo per child posted on Perfect Image Photography's Facebook page next month and the most "likes" will win money towards prints or other prizes.  Here's a link to their Facebook page so you can like them and get ready to vote for my babies!  (I suppose you could vote for other babies too..I'm sure they will all be cute!)

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