Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Baby Gourmet Review and Giveaway

I initially said that this giveaway was for the babies but I've had to reconsider.  My toddler absolutely loved "drinking" from the Baby Gourmet pouch and I have to admit that I've taste tested my fair share in the past week as well.  There are many things that I love about this baby food but the aspect I appreciate the most is the food actually tastes good.  I can personally attest to this after sampling a little bit of each kind myself (I have to check for temperature after all).  In fact, I seriously considered eating the Old Fashioned Apple Crisp flavour with some ice cream.

In addition to being baby food that actually tastes like real, delicious food, the Baby Gourmet products come in BPA free packaging, are organic and there are no extras added such as sugar, salt, or fillers.  The texture appears similar to homemade baby food which I enjoy making and serving as well but there's not always time to prepare baby food myself.  These packages are also great for trips out.  You can just throw a couple in the diaper bag and you've got a healthy snack available.  After Connor's reaction to it, I plan on using them for toddler snacks too.  He loved the taste and thought it was just as fun as drinking out of a juice box.  Of course, I didn't mind either since I know it's healthy!

A little more about Baby Gourmet for those of your unfamiliar.  Baby Gourmet is a new organic baby food company based out of Edmonton.  Their products just recently became available in Walmarts stores.  You can use the Store Locator on their website to find Baby Gourmet near you.

For this review, we received an All Stage Sample box in the mail about a week ago and we have tried almost all nine flavours.  There are three flavours for each stage.  Stage 1 is for 6 + Months and includes simple purees, Stage 2 is for 7 + months and features more flavours combinations and Stage 3 is for 8 + months and it introduces more texture.  Since Aleena just turned 10 months, we were able to try all of the flavours and not worry about allergies since she's tried all the fruits/veggies before with the exception of pumpkin and garden greens.   
The All Stage Sampler Box that we reviewed included the following:
  • 1 pouch of Stage 1 Orchard Apple, Carrot & Prune
  • 1 pouch of Stage 1 Juicy Pear & Garden Greens
  • 1 pouch of Stage 1 Harvest Pear, Pumpkin & Banana
  • 1 pouch of Stage 2 Baby’s Sweet Potato Pie
  • 1 pouch of Stage 2 Apple Sweet Potato Berry Swirl
  • 1 pouch of Stage 2 Roasted Squash & Fruit Medley
  • 1 pouch of Stage 3 Vanilla Banana berry Risotto
  • 1 pouch of Stage 3 Tropical Banana Bliss
  • 1 pouch of Stage 3 Old Fashioned Apple Crisp
Here's a couple more photos of the kids trying everything out.  We had lots of fun taking some photos this morning.  The Tropical Bliss Banana was a huge hit!  Aleena was desperate to eat it and she had just finished having milk so she wasn't exactly starving at the time.  Connor seemed curious so I squeezed out some for Aleena in a bowl and let him finish the rest of the pouch.  This is a direct quote from Connor: "Mmmm..that's good!".   The first photo was taken last week.  I wanted to show the texture and how it appears a lot like homemade baby food.

Baby Gourmet food is truly 'real' food and similar to the homemade versions I've made before.
Aleena trying to grab the pouch after having a taste.
This photo speaks for itself!  :-)
Connor loved it too.
The Giveaway:
Baby Gourmet is going to give one of my readers the same All Stage Sample pack that I received.

As always, I will number entries and use to select the winner.   Please make separate comments for each entry and use the blog comments for all entries, even the Facebook ones.  

How to Enter:
1. "Like" Baby Gourmet on Facebook.  Wall comments aren't required but I'd appreciate it if you let them know I sent you. :-)
2. "Like" A Sophisticated Mommy on Facebook.
3.  Follow A Sophisticated Mommy via Google Friend Connect.
4.  Follow A Sophisticated Mommy on Twitter.
5.  Share this giveaway and let me know how.  (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Blog)

This contest will be open until Tuesday, February 22nd at noon SK Time.  I will select and announce a winner that afternoon.

Open to Canadian residents only.


  1. I shared on FB! I also am going to add you to twitter - which I mostly use to follow Ellen! Also, those photos of the kids are too cute! I can't believe how big connor looks.

  2. I "liked" baby gourmet on fb. Seems healthy but convenient.

  3. I "liked" a sophisticated Mommy on FB. The kids look like they really enjoyed the food and drinks - and sounds like Mom did too :)

  4. I shared the baby gourmet giveaway on Facebook. I am hoping I get to try it out.

  5. already like A Sophisticated Mommy on FB

  6. I liked you and Baby Gourmet on facebook and follow your blog. These looks really interesting to try! Great give away and review!

  7. follow you on twitter (giveawaytreats)

  8. tweeted!/giveawaytreats/status/37982259596234752

  9. Never heard of this stuff! Looks great and so convenient! I liked them on FB.

  10. I already like a Sophisticated Mommy on FB.

  11. I already like a Sophisticated Mommy on FB.

  12. Thanks for this SM. I have been reading about BG for a while and am excited that they are available at Walmart, and that your kids like them! I am hoping mine will too!

  13. I already "like" you on FB and follow you via GFC.

  14. I liked them on facebook! I am excited to try find them to buy some. Sounds like awesome stuff!

  15. And I already follow you! Nice giveaway!

  16. i follow you and baby gourmet.

    love them.. been eating them for the past 5 months. my two year old loves the apple crisp!

  17. These sound awesome! I liked Baby Gourmet on FB

    Julie G

  18. I already like you on FB!

    Julie G

  19. I shared the giveway on FB :)

    Julie G

  20. I like Baby Gourmet on Fb
    Beth R
    goodkarmacan at yahoo dot com

  21. I like you on FB!
    Beth R
    goodkarmacan at yahoo dot com

  22. I liked you on FB. These sound like exactly what I'd need for my trip to Europe in 2 months!

  23. I follow you on GFC(good karma)
    goodkarmacan at yahoo dot com

  24. I liked you and Baby Gourmet on FB. Definitely plan on passing this along to a friend that will be interested in Baby Gourmet!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I "liked" Baby Gourmet
    I "like" you
    I "follow" you everywhere
    and I shared on FB

  27. "Liked" on facebook
    "Followed" and "shared" on facebook
    Your food is AMAZING!! Never found anything better!

  28. I shared on FB, added Baby Gourmet on FB, like you on FB and follow you on Google!!!

    Super excited to try this!!!

  29. I like Baby Gourmet on facebook
    Janelle K
    xjanelle at hotmail dot com

  30. I like you on facebook
    Janelle K
    xjanelle at hotmail dot com

  31. I follow with GFC
    xjanelle at hotmail dot com

  32. I follow you on twitter (@jkomaran)
    xjanelle at hotmail dot com

  33. tweet!/jkomaran/status/38474043141267456
    xjanelle at hotmail dot com

  34. I'm following on google connect

  35. I shared on FB!

    Chelsea P.

  36. I liked baby gourmet on facebook

  37. I already like sophisticated mommy on FB

  38. I just shared about it on my blog!

  39. I liked baby gourmet on facebook :)

  40. I already like you on facebook!

  41. I follow A Sophisticated Mommy via GFC

  42. I follow A Sophisticated Mommy on twitter (@sueboobadoo)

  43. I like A Sophisticated Mommy on facebook (sueboo badoo)
