Sunday, January 23, 2011

She Passed!

Okay, I am pretty sure that everyone passed but I am still proud of my little Starfish.  I have been taking Aleena to swimming lessons since November.  We go every Sunday and I am going to kind of miss our weekly lesson.  Aleena LOVES kicking and floating around in the pool.  She is so comfortable in the water that she often tries to roll over and gets a face full of water.

I have to admit that there is also a part of me that's kind of relieved that it's over.  Getting both of us through the change room is a bit of a pain especially since I am carrying a 20 pound baby in a car seat.  I saw a photo of a new product at a local baby store a couple days ago and had to laugh because it was a contraption that I thought I could invent.  I keep trying to come up with my million dollar idea that I can pitch to the Dragon's Den but I have yet to come up with anything!

Here's a photo of the invention that I was going to make.  Why am I not surprised that someone else already thought of it?  It's too bad I didn't discover it earlier although it's a bit on the pricey side.  In case you are interested, this particular product is from a company called gogo Kidz.

I should get back to my readings for my class but I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.  I really enjoyed the warm weather here today!  It's around 0 degrees celcius which is a welcome change after the -40 degree weather we had just a couple days ago.   Finally, I have another adorable giveaway coming up very soon so check back soon for that!


  1. a luggage cart works well too, that's what we bought, $20! lol

  2. $20 sounds much more reasonable!

  3. Thanks for entering my contest and I'm following you back.
