Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Food & Whine: Happy Blogiversary!

I wanted to share one of my favourite blogs out there especially since it's her 1st year blogging anniversary. Out of all the food blogs out there, this is the one I refer to the most for new recipes to try. Megan, the mommy behind this blog, posts healthy family-friendly recipes that you can feel good about feeding your family. We just enjoyed the Beef and Spinach Pasta Bake tonight in fact. Hope you enjoy! Feel free to follow her blog or 'like' Food & Whine on Facebook too.

Food & Whine: Happy Blogiversary!: "Wow, so you know what I just realized? Today is the 1-year anniversary of this blog! I knew I started it sometime last January but I thought it was later in the month for some reason. I was curious and decided to check the date of my first post and wouldn't you know it, it was a year ago today, Jan 2nd! So in honour of my blog's birthday, here's a bonus post for today with a list of my top 10 posts, selected by most views. This will be my 233rd post. Not bad for one year. I had no idea that starting this blog would ignite such a deep passion from food within me. It has transformed cooking from a chore to an enjoyable and addictive hobby for me. I can't thank all of my followers enough for your support and encouragement during this wonderful year. I look forward to many more yummy posts to come."

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