Monday, January 10, 2011

Back to School!

I've really enjoyed my time off from doing homework and writing that massive term paper but I've also missed my Tuesday night get-togethers.  It's nice to interact with other adults and discuss something other than sleep deprivation and diaper changes.  (Don't get me wrong, mom friends, I love talking about that stuff too!  Diapers make the world go round...and so does sleep.)

Tomorrow night, I start another Master's class at the university.  After the last class I took about Grammar, I didn't think the content could get much drier until I found out that this class is called Methods and Curriculum in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages).  At least the word "Theory" isn't included in the course title or I'd really be concerned.

On the upside, most of the ladies in my last class (yep, they were all women) are also taking the one that starts tomorrow so it'll be a reunion of sorts.  I am looking forward to seeing them again.  We've already agreed to renew out treat bringing ways so I'm sure that'll be high on the agenda for the evening.  I haven't purchased my text yet or paid the exorbitant tuition fees. I need to procrastinate in some way since the class hasn't actually started yet.

Tomorrow really is a big's also Aleena's 9 month birthday (and Connor's 28 month birthday)!  I can't believe how fast these past few months have gone by.  Apparently there isn't much time to sit back and reflect when you're parenting, cleaning, studying, running, blogging, baking, etc.  I still have a few months to go until I return to work in May...long enough to finish this class and enjoy every moment I have with my two little munchkins.

Nine Months Old!

Don't forget to enter the TippyToesKnits giveaway to receive a customized hand knit item of your choice! Click on the adorable hat to go the post about the giveaway.

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