Thursday, December 2, 2010

A 'Silent Night' for Mommy

It's that time of year always seems to come so quickly.  This year, in particular, has been a real whirlwind but I guess that's not surprising when I was looking after a newborn while chasing a toddler around.  Time rarely seems to stand still long enough for me to reflect.  Admittedly, that is partly my fault as I seem incapable of relaxing at times.  I always feel the need to do something whether it's training for another race, trying out a new recipe, taking a Master's class or starting my very own blog!

Connor - Christmas 2008
So here I am, trying to relax and reflect on why this time of year is so important to me. Meanwhile, both my children are still least they're just "talking".  This blog post may possibly be written in stages...such is my life.

When it comes to Christmas, the most important aspect for me is being with my family.  I have only spent two Christmas days away from home and that was when I was living in Taiwan.  While I appreciated the balmy weather and cheerful Taiwanese carolers at department stores, it just wasn't the same.

Since I just finished a 19 page term paper, I've had enough typing for a while so here's a very informal but meaningful list of the Christmas traditions I love the most.
  • Singing Silent Night at church on Christmas Eve
  • Decorating the Christmas tree
  • Sitting in the dark watching Christmas movies with only the Christmas tree lights flickering in the room (and the smell of the Christmas tree...we always get real ones!)
  • Watching a White Christmas, The Sound of Music, Scrooged, and all the cartoon classics
  • Making Christmas cookies with my Mom while listening to Nana Miskouri's Christmas album, Mannheim Steamroller and Boney M
  • Pickled herring...reminds me of my Uncle Rob 
  • Turkey, ham, fruit salad, vegetable salad, homemade buns, dressing, sour cabbage rolls and perogies
  • Christmas pudding and sauce
  • Opening presents and stockings on Christmas morning
  • Christmas crackers...we always wear the silly crown hats for Christmas dinner and read the silly jokes
  • Playing crib with my gramps
  • Boxing Day curling bonspiels
  • Christmas stockings full of goodies
  • Playing with new toys on Christmas morning (both adults and kids!)
PS - Both the kids are sleeping now..."Silent Night, Holy Night..."


  1. Oh, you took the words out my mouth - it's so hard to find time to reflect on the day when it's flying past you. Love your traditions!! lol you crack me up sing silent night with your kids in bed.

  2. Hi there! I am your newest follower on google and twitter:) LOVELY blog!! You can find me at
    Have a peek at my giveaways. I've got 6 gorgeous handmade ones going on now!! Happy Holidays:)

  3. Christmas isn't Christmas without Boney M!
