Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I've Got a Bad Case of Termpaperitis

That's right...I've had to take a self-imposed blogging break due to a nagging case of Termpaperitis that I've had for a while now.  The symptoms have really worsened in recent days.  I've been experiencing headaches, lack of sleep, blurry vision and carpal tunnel syndrome.  Unfortunately, the only form of treatment seems to be facing the illness head on and trying to tackle it the best I can.  The hardest part is that I haven't had Termpaperitis for several years and it's difficult to deal with when you haven't experienced it in some time.  It's one of those nasty bugs that hits harder when you haven't had it in a long time.  Chances are, I'll have to cope with this ailment for many years to come until I have Mastered it.  I have taken a picture of the disease so you will know how to identify it and make every attempt to avoid it.  

 The viruses!

If all goes well, I will have fully recovered by tomorrow, at which time I will announce the very lucky winner of my current giveaway. If you too have been suffering from Termpaperitis or perhaps Procrastinationitis and haven't had a chance to enter yet, please click on the Little Thread's logo to enter. Good luck!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

'Little Threads by Rebecca' Giveaway!

Say hello to some major cuteness!  The very talented Rebecca of Little Threads recently opened an Etsy shop for her crocheted hats and a few other accessories such as headbands, diaper covers, and soother leashes.  Rebecca is Mom to a baby boy named Luca and, when she manages to find a few spare moments, she loves to crochet.  She specializes in baby hats but she will also make hats for children and adults.  Rebecca makes several different styles of hats in a variety of colours which are posted on both her Etsy shop and Facebook fan page. 

If you've read some of my previous posts, you will know that I have a weakness for adorable hats and headbands.  I've seen a lot of baby hats out there and these ones are definitely among the cutest and most unique.  They would be perfect for newborn, birthday, or holiday photos. 

For this giveaway, Rebecca has generously offered to give the winner their choice of anything in her shop.  The winner can pick the item, style, colours, size, etc.

Now, let's get to the details!  There are four ways to enter this contest.  I will be numbering entries and using a random online selector to pick the winner.  If you are leaving a comment below and don't have a public profile, please make sure to leave an e-mail address.

 You can receive up to four entries:
1. Comment on this post and tell us which item is your favourite from the selection on her Etsy shop.
2. "Like" Little Threads by Rebecca on Facebook and make sure to "like" or comment on the giveaway post. You may also post a comment on her fan page.
3. "Like" A Sophisticated Mommy on Facebook and "like" or comment on the giveaway post.
4. Follow my blog so you don't miss out on any future giveaways!  You must make a separate comment indicating this to be counted as an entry.  I will only use the comments as entries so you must also write something like "I follow your blog".  Please do this even if you're already following. Thanks!  :-)

The contest will be open until Wednesday, December 1st.

Little Monkey Hat
Little Rose Headband
Newborn Diaper Cover
Soother Leashes

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Something Sassy tutus and more Giveaway Winner is...

...Randi from Saskatoon!  Ironically, random.org chose Number 13 which was Randi's name and her Facebook profile picture is a Rider logo today.  I am going to take this as a good omen for the Riders to win the Grey Cup this year.  Clearly, the 13th (wo)man is going to be a winner from now on.

Congratulations Randi!  You have won a $20 gift certificate to use on the Something Sassy tutus and more online store (or in person since you are in Saskatoon).

Thanks again to everyone that entered the contest.  If you want to order from Something Sassy tutus and more, you can visit their online store or communicate with them via their Facebook fan page and they'll be happy to help.  If you are from Saskatchewan and particularly the Saskatoon area, keep your eye out for their booth at local craft shows.  The next show they will be at is the Osler Craft and Bake Sale which is being held tomorrow from 10-3.  They do a great job of updating their Facebook fan page so that's really the best way to keep up to date with what's new.

Another giveaway is coming up tomorrow so make sure to "like" my Facebook page so you don't miss out.

Don't forget today is Black Friday and Cyber Monday is coming up. The big internet deals usually happen on Monday but there are already many great deals to be had.  I've continued to update my blog post about this great shopping weekend and will continue to update it as I receive new information via Facebook and e-mail.  We've also started sharing coupon codes on my Facebook page.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday Blog Post

Also, I would love to feature more small, unique businesses (especially ones run by mommies) so let me know if you or someone you know might want to volunteer some goodies for a future contest.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Breaking in the New Mixer! (Ginger Sparkler Cookies)

Ginger Sparkler Cookies
I finally used my new mixer yesterday since it was my turn to bring a treat to my university night class.  I wasn't really sure what to make so I broke out the ol' family recipe book.  My technology savvy Grandma typed out all our best family recipes and made books for family members several years ago.  She often provides us with additional ones to add as well.  It didn't take me long before I decided to make Ginger Sparkler cookies..kind of like gingerbread except soft, light and wayyy better.

Back to my experience with the new mixer.  It was simply wonderful.  My least favourite part of making cookies is trying to whip the butter with sugar while attempting to get rid of the little chunks that seemingly won't go away.  I also seem incapable of adding the flour without getting it all over the place not to mention the sore hand I get as I add the flour in small increments and stir, stir, stir.  Yesterday, the only thing I stirred was the dry ingredients before adding them to the butter/sugar mixture.  Out of habit, I added the flour in a couple smaller batches until I realized how silly that was.  I am pretty sure the mixer can handle all the flour at once...and so I dumped it all in...success!!  It was mixed in no time and the cookie batter turned out perfectly.

I offered a cookie to an individual with a very particular palate (also known as a two year old) and it went over well so I took that as a sign that my cookies turned out okay.  They were also very popular at class last night and I was asked to bring a copy of the recipe next week.  Speaking of sharing the recipe, I'd love to share it with everyone as it's truly yummy and is a definite favourite for kids and adults alike.  It's also a great cookie to include on your Christmas baking list. 

Ginger Sparkler Cookies

3/4 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup molasses
1 egg
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon cloves
Granulated sugar
  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees fahreinheit. 
  • Cream together butter, brown sugar, molasses and egg until light and fluffy.
  • Mix the flour, soda, salt, and spices together.
  • Add the flour mixture to the creamed mixture until it is blended.
  • Shape dough into small balls.
  • Roll balls in granulated sugar and place 2 inches apart on the greased baking sheet.
  • Bake 8-10 minutes.
Hope you enjoy!

Don't forget to enter the Something Sassy tutu and more Giveaway.  I will be announcing the winner this Friday.  Click on the photo for more information on how to enter.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Something Sassy Tutus and More Giveaway!

My friend Alisa recently attended a small town Christmas Market where she met the creative owners and operators of Something Sassy Tutus and More.  Alisa ordered a tutu for her baby girl and said that she bought almost one of everything else that they had.  Since Alisa and I have similar taste in cute baby things, I had to check out their website and found a lot of things that I loved.  Not surprisingly, my personal favourite is the Roughrider Tutu which is pictured on the right.  In addition to football-themed tutus, Something Sassy also offers a variety of ready-made tutus as well as their specialty customized tutus and tutu dresses.  Not only are their creations adorable, but they are also very reasonably priced.  Of course, the fact that they are from a small town in Saskatchewan makes me an even bigger fan.

Before the boy mommies throw in the towel on this giveaway, keep in mind that they also sell several other products on their website including baby leg warmers, hats and headbands, soother clips, baby shoes and more! 

The winner of this giveaway will receive a $20 gift certificate to use on their website.

Now, let's get to the details!  There are four ways to enter this contest.  I will be numbering entries and using a random online selector to pick the winner.  If you are leaving a comment below and don't have a public profile, please make sure to leave an e-mail address.

 You can receive up to four entries:
1. Comment on this post and tell us which colours and style are your favourite from the selection on their website at Something Sassy tutus and more.
2. "Like" Something Sassy on Facebook and make sure to "like" or comment on the giveaway post.  You can also comment on their wall and mention my blog.
3.  "Like" A Sophisticated Mommy on Facebook and "like" or comment on the giveaway post.
4. Follow my blog so you don't miss out on any future giveaways!  You must make a separate comment indicating this to be counted as an entry.  I will only use the comments as entries so you must also write something like "I follow your blog".  Please do this even if you're already following. Thanks!  :-)

The contest will be open until Friday, November 26th...a great way to kick off your Black Friday shopping!

* Gift certificate is not applicable towards blankets and fluffies.

I can see how Alisa was tempted by their booth!
How adorable is this tutu dress?!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Little Baby Gymnast!

I was never particularly good at gymnastics but my daughter might have a bright future!  Check out her new way to get around...who needs to crawl anyway? 

This pose reminds me of The Matrix!
Are you seriously telling me that this one is going to chase me too?
The little man hard at work.
I am really hoping he inherits some artistic talent from his Dad's side of the family.

Last but not least, GO RIDERS GO!!!  I am already nervous and the game is still a few hours away.  Maybe this extra energy will help me start my term paper tonight...only 10 days left to go until it's due...although only 10 more days until my first Master's class is over as well so that's a bonus. Next up for us, Aleena has her first swimming lesson tomorrow...maybe she'll be a diver based on her emerging athletic abilities.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Butterfly Bows Giveaway Winner is...

...Jennifer Kogon!

Congratulations!  You have won these cute clips.

Thanks to everyone that entered the contest.  If you want to order from Butterfly Bows, you can contact Leigh via e-mail at butterfly.bows@hotmail.com or through her Etsy shop. You can also order through her Facebook page which might be the easiest if you live in or around Dartmouth.  That way, you can reserve your items and arrange for local pick up.  Butterfly Bows will also have some products available at Klassy Kids in Cole Harbour.

Another giveaway is coming up on Monday so make sure to "like" my Facebook page so you don't miss out. 

Also, I would love to feature more small, unique businesses (especially ones run by mommies) so let me know if you or someone you know might want to volunteer some goodies for a future contest.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Black Friday & Cyber Monday for Mommies (Updated November 29th)

Welcome to one-stop shopping for Black Friday and Cyber Monday ...just for mommies!

I have been waiting to buy my last couple of Christmas gifts in hopes of getting some good deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept of Black Friday, it's the Friday after American Thanksgiving (always the fourth Thursday in November) and is sort of the official launch of Christmas shopping in the US.  The concept has since spread to Canada and many Canadian retailers have caught on with the idea as well so we've seen more and more  Black Friday sales happening here.  It's kind of like Canadian Boxing Day where crowds of people line up outside stores and wait to get the great sales.    Black Friday is November 26th this year.  An even newer concept that has arisen with online shopping is Cyber Monday and it is the following Monday.  It falls on November 29th this year although it's important to note that many online retailers will begin their sales on Black Friday as well.  Of course, for most mommies, online shopping is preferable over elbowing our way through hoards of ravenous shoppers so my preference is Cyber Monday!

Photographer: Renjith Krishna
To save everyone a bit of time, I thought I'd keep a running record here of sites that I become aware of and update it over the next couple of weeks as the big sale days approach.  Some online stores are already hinting about their sales and some will likely advertise at the last minute or possibly just the day of.  Most online shops offer hints about their sales.  The marketing strategy seems to be to get people hooked and wait until the last minute to actually give the details.  The best part about Black Friday and Cyber Monday is that the deals don't disappoint.  It's almost always the best prices of the year for that company.  Let me know if you have come across any more sales, deals, coupon codes in the comments and I'll add those as well.  I'd like to keep this post limited to products for babies, children, and mommies.  I'd love to hear about any stores, big or small!  Here's what I've got so far.  As I said, this is a work in progress.  I will add and edit information as it becomes available.
  • BabyLegs - From their Facebook Fan Page: Hey Facebook Fans! We've still got a ways to go until we reach 25,000 fans by Black Friday! We will be having some GREAT deals that will be open only to our Facebook fans on Black Friday so you get them before we open it up to everyone else on Cyber Monday! Get your friends and family to "Like" us and tell them you want BabyLegs for Christmas! (US addresses only...anyone have a US mailbox I can use?)
  • mamabargains.com - From a mamabargains e-mail newsletter: "Yes, it's true, Black Friday is ONE WEEK AWAY! We are so excited about all the buzz, and we know you mamas are anxiously waiting to see what on earth could create so much excitement in the cyber world! Mamas who have been with us for the past couple years know that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are unlike any other day of the year, and there is plenty that will thrill, surprise and amaze you this year, too! Make sure you stay tuned to your computer, Twitter, phone browser, text messages, any and every way to communicate online for both of these awesome days. Trust us, mamas- you are not gonna be happy if you miss out."
  • babysteals.com - As I've said many times, this is my personal favourite daily deals site!  They've hinted on their Facebook fan page that they'll be doing something special for Cyber Monday. Here's what they did last year: Cyber Monday is here! Join us today, for a new steal every two hours at 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm, and 5pm Mountain Standard Time! Plus, every order today comes with a FREE gift – a Nursery item from Babylicious valued at least $32 retail!  Yeah, we’re crazy. But you love it!  Read their blog for an updated schedule of Steals!
  • http://www.kidsteals.com/ - On their blog today (November 19th) - We know how much as you dread loathe getting up at 3am to wait in line for the best deals. Wouldn’t it be good better AMAZING if you could get STEALS from the comfort and warmth of your own home? A place where the only pushing and shoving you’ll have to endure is who can click the fastest?!
    Ladies, sign in to your Google Checkout accounts and get your fast fingers ready because we are bringing you some fun stuff for Black Friday and Cyber Monday! We’ll share a few more details next week so you can get ready for the best steals around!
    Now the only question is, how will you ever break it to your husband that he can sleep in get up with the kids while you sleep in?  For more details, they have also updated there blog.
  • Bebe Bella Designs - 65% off all their blankets until midnight tonight (Black Friday).  The coupon code is : winter65
  • Taylor Joelle Designs - They also have a Facebook Fan page and will be having their biggest sale leading up to Christmas on Black Friday. 
  • motherofasale.com - I seriously can't believe I haven't posted this website yet!  They are having sales all week on already discounted items and they have several daily deal type sales at once so you can combine shipping.  Better yet, they have flat shipping rates to Canada.  Just for fun, I added a bunch of items and got $8 shipping no matter what was in my shopping cart.  If you register with the site, they'll send you their coupon codes and let you know the new products being sold.  So, basically, it's a variety of super cheap items, flat rate shipping, and this week, an additional 25% off with the following coupon code: "cyberblackmonday".  Can't go wrong with that.  One of their current items is Agoo leggings for $5 each plus the coupon code...and if I buy a few with flat rate shipping...but I kind of feel like I'm cheating on my other baby legging company.  What to do?
  • Rufflebutts - From their Facebook fan page - "BLACK FRIDAY | We've got quite a few GREAT DEALS in store for Black Friday! Everything will go live at http://RuffleButts.com/ at 3AM EST Friday Morning. If you're looking for a way to win $100 in RuffleButts, checkout our latest Giveaway to pass the time... http://bit.ly/HolidayGiveaway"
  • Discovery Toys Sale - Black Friday will be marked with a free toy when you spend $65, and Cyber Monday is the big 20/20/20 sale - 20 of our favorite products all 20% off for 20 hours!  The sale applies to online shopping only.
I've been posting coupon codes on my Facebook page as I find them today (Cyber Monday).  I haven't seen anything overly fantastic today but there are still some good deals to be had.  If you want to share a deal, feel free to share it on the Facebook fan page.  Thanks!

    Monday, November 15, 2010

    Butterfly Bows Giveaway!

    What better way to start off the week than another giveaway?! Better yet, how about getting into the Christmas spirit with some holiday cheer from Butterfly Bows?  Thanks to Leigh, owner and creator, we've got some cute holiday clips to give away this week.  Leigh recently launched her Facebook page and Etsy shop for Butterfly Bows and she is literally introducing new products everyday. 

    Leigh started Butterfly Bows for her daughter.  She had seen these types of clips and thought, "I can do that!".  She began by making a few for her daughter, Claire, which turned into making all sorts of clips to match what she was wearing each day!  She finally decided to throw her hat into the ring and try selling a few since she enjoyed making them so much.

    If you are in the Halifax / Dartmouth, Nova Scotia area over the winter, watch out for Leigh's products at the local markets.  For those of us in colder parts of the country or continent, we can shop from the warmth of our own homes through the Etsy shop or through her Facebook page.  Currently, the Facebook page has the largest selection of items to choose from and is the best way to connect with Leigh and stay up-to-date on new products and great giveaways.

    Back to the contest!  The winner will receive all the adorable clips seen here!

    Now, let's get to the details of the big giveaway!  There are three ways to enter the contest.  I will be numbering entries and using a random online selector to pick the winner of the giveaway.

     You can receive up to three entries:
    1. Comment on this post and tell us what your favourite Butterfly Bows product is.  For the most selection, please visit the Facebook Fanpage.
    2. "Like" Butterfly Bows on Facebook and "like" or comment on Leigh's post about the Giveaway.
    3. Follow my blog so you don't miss out on any future giveaways!  Please make sure to mention this in your comment to this post so I can include it as an entry to the giveaway.

    The contest will be open until the end of the week.  The winner will be announced on Friday, November 19th.  Good luck and have fun! 

    "Handmade with care; bows, hair clips, and other treasures for the wee princess in your life!"

    Friday, November 12, 2010

    Mommy's New Toy!

    I've always wanted a stand mixer and look what I got today!  It kind of looks like the Rolls Royce of KitchenAid Mixers to me.  I am going to break this baby out of the box tomorrow and test it.  This might be a problem for a carb addict but I'm looking forward to using it nonetheless.  It's perfect timing for my Christmas cookie bake-a-thon and I'm sure that the kids are going to love watching it mix up all sorts of things (as am I).  My first experiment will be making my favourite muffins which are the Little Miss Muffin Tops recipe from the Eat, Shrink and Be Merry cookbook.  I also want to try making some chocolate chip cookies as mixing up cookie dough is always a pain but not anymore! 

    Speaking of toys, this is one of Aleena's favourites...the Winkel.  It's easy to grab and chew on which are the two basic requirements for a 7 month old.

    Last but not least, I've got another fun giveaway lined up for next week.  It will start on Monday.  Looking forward to another week of fun!   I have to get back to my presentation on gerunds and infinitives now.  To be or not to be done..that is the question!

    Wednesday, November 10, 2010

    The Baby Chunky Cheeks Blanket Giveaway Winner is....

    ....Amanda Pereira!!

    Congratulations! You have the choice of one these blankets. 

    Thanks to everyone that entered the blanket giveaway contest.  If you want to order yourself a blanket (or other goodies) before Christmas, you can visit the Baby Chunky Cheek's Etsy Shop. You can also order through their Facebook page which might be the easiest if you live in or around Regina.  That way, you can reserve your items and arrange for local pick up.   Jenna and her Mom will also be at the following locations leading up to Christmas where you can buy items in-person:
    • The Bethune Trade Show on December 5th from 5-8 pm during the Twinkle Tour 
    • Flawless Hair Design at 6855 Rochdale Blvd, Regina, SK on December 12th from 1-3 pm 

    Stay tuned for more giveaway fun!  Also, I would love to feature more small, unique businesses (especially ones run by mommies) so let me know if you or someone you know might want to volunteer some goodies for a future contest.

    Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    Favourite Baby Things - Christmas Stocking Edition

    First of all, sorry to all the Grinches out there if this post is too early for you but Christmas is on the way and you won't be able to avoid the trees, lights, music, advertisements, or contagious spirit of joy and giving.  It seems like Christmas and everything that comes with it starts earlier and earlier every year.  The first sign of Christmas is usually fake trees (artificial is really just a nice word for fake), Christmas decorations and Christmas cards in our local Costco store.  This is followed by the Sears Wishbook which everyone knows is the bible of all Christmas shopping.  My brothers and I used to fight over that thing when it arrived.  We would flip through the catalogue excitedly and make our Christmas wish lists.  In reality, we were doing a lot of wishing and we knew it but it was still fun and it was part of our Christmas tradition.  Onto the next sign of Christmas...the mounds of flyers in our mail box.  Since Halloween, the stack of Christmas advertisements has been growing exponentially.  We've had magazine-sized marketing from all sorts of stores which I won't bother mentioning here...they've paid millions of dollars to grace your mailbox so you can discover them yourselves.

    I posted a picture of our stockings above.  My stocking is the same one I've had since I was a baby.  I got Mrs. Claus which I will admit wasn't my favourite but I have three older brothers and I'm sure my Mom was eager to make a Mrs. Claus stocking when she finally had a girl!  My Mom made my stocking but my Grandma has been making the stockings for new family additions in recent years so she made Jeremy's and Connor's.  Hopefully, she has made one for Aleena too.  I think my Grandma must be adapting to the new concept of consumerism because the stockings seem to be getting progressively bigger.  Since Aleena was feeling left out this morning, we took another photo of the stockings just for her.

    Back to Christmas stocking ideas...and I'm going to give you my stocking ideas rather than what I actually received in my stocking when I was younger.  To give my parent's credit, they were always very generous at Christmas time.  They had four kids and we were expensive with all of us playing hockey.  With that said, our stockings (less a few candies and an orange) were normally filled with personal hygiene products like deodorant, socks, contact lense solution, and other similar items.  Perhaps I'll start giving these types of things when my kids are older (and I'm older too).  In the meantime, my little sweet peas will receive a couple baby/toddler necessities and some fun "fluff".  You will notice that their stockings are stocked full of BabySteals/KidSteals items that I've been saving for this very purpose.  Everything I purchased was at least half price (or free in the case of the board books).

    Here's what I've got so far.  I think the kids are bit (okay, a lot) spoiled this year.  I already bought one of Connor's non-stocking gifts.  He will get one from Santa and one from us but that's a topic for another post!

    Connor's Stocking (2 years old)
    • A bag of treats (orange, peach fruit cup, animal crackers)
    • Sock Monkey Tuque 
    • Ally Zabba Blanket
    • A Chalk Mat and some dustless chalk (It's a two-sided mat with one side being a place mat while the other side is a chalkboard.)
    • Thomas the Train T-Shirt 
    • Warm winter socks (plan on buying some at Roots)
    Aleena's Stocking (7 months old)
    • A bag of treats (Mum Mums, Cereal Puffs)
    • Sock Monkey Tuque
    • Ally Zabba Blanket
    • Small Board Books which I "bought" with my Pampers Gifts to Grow reward points
    • BabyLegs Tights
    • Sippy Cup (plan to buy a Playtex Spillproof bottle)
    • Warm winter socks (plan to buy some from Roots)
    For more stocking stuffer ideas, I'll refer you to a site that I found with lots of great ideas for different age groups.  The website is called Plumpstocking.com and they were an online store that sold stockings but have since closed for various reasons.  However, the website is still operational so here are more ideas for stocking stuffers.  Enjoy!

    Last but not least, the Baby Chunky Cheeks Blanket Giveaway winner will be announced tomorrow at 4 pm Saskatchewan Time.  There are still a few hours left to enter.  Click on the Baby Chunky Cheeks logo for information on how to enter if you haven't already.

      If you have a stocking stuffer idea to share, please post it in the comments! Don't be shy. :-)

      Sunday, November 7, 2010

      A 'Fantuz'stic Day!

      I've had some requests to write a post about the Saskatchewan Roughriders.  Ironically, this request comes from people that I know who aren't from Saskatchewan.  I like to think that they are Rider fans at heart too...although I think it has more to do with the curiosity about what makes Rider fans so enthusiastic.  I had planned on writing something a couple weeks ago but their lacklustre play of late didn't exactly inspire me.  Don't get me wrong. I am still firmly on the bandwagon but their performances in October were disappointing to say the least.  Instead of finding ways to win, they were finding ways to lose.  That is, until yesterday when they finally woke up and started playing good football again.  Some may trivialize their win against Edmonton, one of worst teams in the league this year (it sure feels good to write that!) but Edmonton had improved recently and they were desperate to win the game.  Edmonton had to win the game in order to make the playoffs during a year that they are hosting the Grey Cup.  With a loss, their season would end so they were not taking the game lightly.

      My husband and I have had season tickets for several years.  I believe the first year we bought season tickets was 2004 and we've had the same seats since then.  We have been sitting with essentially the same group of people as well.   I remember the first couple years when attendance wasn't always the best especially during the dog days of summer.  Things sure have changed!  This year, the Riders sold out every single game, even last night's so-called meaningless game.  It may have been meaningless to the Riders in the standings but they knew they needed to break their four game losing streak and enter the playoffs with some momentum.

      Back to last night's game, we arrived early for once and I enjoyed seeing the team introductions.  As expected, the Eskimos were booed as they came onto the field.  Then, the Riders were introduced and the crowd gave a loud cheer.  It was almost as if the fans were trying to tell the team that they were still on their side and hadn't given up on them.   I had a good feeling going into the game last night especially after the national anthem.  On big game days like Labour Day, the Snow Birds do a flyover during the national anthem.  Of course, they weren't on the schedule for last night's game given the lack of importance in the whole scheme of things.  However, we had an unofficial flyover that I will never forget.  A few bars into the singing of the national anthem, a flock of geese did an unofficial flyover directly over Mosaic Stadium.  It was amazing how the crowd reacted with loud cheering and it seemed to infuse a dose of energy into the Rider fans.  It might seem ridiculous but a flock of Canadian geese in a v-formation truly seemed to uplift the entire stadium just prior to kick off.  Just a note: It was the only flock of geese I saw fly over the stadium all evening. 

      It was an interesting game.  The first quarter and a half was rather depressing...much like their recent games.  A perfect example of finding a way to lose is taking a penalty when the other team is facing a 2nd and 26 situation.  That was a head shaker.  Just when the team had lulled the crowd into a stupor, they woke up and scored some quick points just before halftime.  I'm not sure what happened, but suddenly the momentum had changed and the Riders didn't look back.

      Final Score: Riders- 31 Eskimos - 23.

      Now to the main point of this post!  Darian Durant tossed the ball Andy Fantuz's way just enough to make him the league's leading receiving for the year...an awesome accomplishment for a Canadian receiver.  Fantuz Flakes don't look so silly now, do they?  In honour of this milestone, we enjoyed some this morning and I think that Connor's a fan...of the cereal and the player!

      Other notable moments from last night's game:
      • A "fan" ended up in the Rider's huddle in the second half.  He was tackled by one security guard only to escape and jog around little more.  Another security guard blindsided him and drew a loud cheer from the crowd.
      • Another "fan" in our section was kicked out before the game started but not before he was put into a WWE style headlock.
      • Apparently Zip-Loc bags are the new way to sneak booze into Taylor Field.
      • Even though the game was sold out, several people didn't show up.
      • I don't remember the half time show...maybe there wasn't one?
      • We had extra leg room yesterday thanks to Curt and Kelly.  While I appreciated the extra space, I missed you guys. (Awwww!)
      Next game...The Western Semi-Final at Taylor Field....Sunday, November 14th vs. BC Lions.  Let's Go Riders!!!   We'll be there..loud and proud as always.

      Thursday, November 4, 2010

      Baby Chunky Cheeks Blanket Giveaway!

      Welcome to my very first blog giveaway post!   A huge thanks to Jenna for helping me out with this.  Jenna and her Mom recently started an Etsy shop called Baby Chunky Cheeks and they've already got a lot of adorable baby items up for sale.  In addition to the receiving blankets featured in this contest, they also sell nursing necklaces, overalls, and diaper covers/bloomers.  Jenna has agreed to give away a cozy blanket to one lucky blog reader just in time for winter!  The winner of the contest will have the choice of one of the blankets posted on my blog.  Of course, if you love them and must have one, please support a small business and stock up on your Christmas gifts early.  I already reserved my Cookie Monster blanket for Connor...I can't wait to see his reaction to his new cozy, winter blanket. Om nom nom!

      First, more about the blankets!

      They are thick, double-sided, reversible blankets made of warm flannelet.  They are nice and roomy measuring at approximately 40" x 40" so they will grow with your child.  They are wonderful for swaddling newborns, perfect as carseat blankets on cool days, and great for keeping the sun out of babies' eyes on sunny days.  They even work great as a nursing cover. You might just end up cuddling up with one of these yourself!  

      Now, let's get to the details of the big giveaway!  There are three ways to enter the contest.  I will be numbering entries and using a random online selector to pick the winner of the giveaway.

       You can receive up to three entries:
      1. Comment on this post and tell us what your favourite receiving blanket is on the Etsy site.  Each blanket has a design name and you can click on the images for a larger view.
      2. "Like" Baby Chunky Cheeks on Facebook and "like" or comment on Jenna's post about the Giveaway.
      3. Follow my blog so you don't miss out on any future giveaways!  Please mention this in the comments since I don't know everyone's nicknames.

      The contest will be open for one week and I expect anyone that has a baby or knows someone with a baby to enter especially my friends, family, acquaintances and people I don't even know.

      The winner will be announced on Wednesday, November 10th.  We'll make arrangements to get the blanket to you at that time.  Good luck and have fun!

      Wednesday, November 3, 2010

      A "Steal" I Couldn't Resist

      I have been so proud of myself lately.  After I vowed to take a break from Steals websites, I have managed to control my spending pretty well in all aspects of life!  I had to practice great restraint a few times.  Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it), most items I really want sell out so fast that any hesitation means I usually miss out.  Some tempting items as of late were the nightlight turtle that projects constellations, the Zoobie tortoise, Andee Lew long sleeved onesies, and nursing tank tops.  If any of these came up again, I wouldn't mind a Zoobie for Aleena's Christmas gift and the nursing tops would sure come in handy as an underlayer this winter.  If I plan my purchases in advance, is it still an impulse buy?

      There was one totally frivolous "steal" that I couldn't resist and it was Rufflebutts.  Yes, I know it's not "essential" which is my current guideline for buying things online, but look how CUTE!!   I did a little photo shoot with my less than happy baby just now.  She's so smiley most of the time but not so much today.  I still got some nice photos to share her new Rufflebutt shorts which she paired up with her signature BabyLegs and a cute little hair bow.  Having a girl is sooo much fun!