Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Winter Already?!

We had our first snow yesterday and it was a big one!  Not only did it snow a lot, but it was (and still is) extremely windy.  Of course, I had to go to class last night at the university which is at the opposite end of the city.  It took me a good 45 minutes to drive there through painfully slow traffic due to the icy roads.   I finally arrived about 15 minutes late and it took me a while to get focussed.  My presentation wasn't until the second half of class so at least I had some time to get settled before I had to speak to everyone.  I thought I would be nervous but I really wasn't.  I think I got all my nerves out with the drive to the university and it was just nice to be warm, dry and safe.  My presentation went really least I think it did!  I also handed in a few of my homework assignments so it felt good to get those done as well.  I did a lot of homework this past week but I really need to get back on the treadmill and stay fit.  It's been challenging to find the time to do both.

The best time for homework is when the kids are sleeping so I have to choose between running or homework.  Today, I will be running.  I should also pick a race to train for as I find it hard to motivate myself to run just for the sake of being fit and healthy.  I like to train for a race and have some sort of goal in mind.  On the other hand, I am not a huge fan of winter running especially since we have a treadmill in our nice warm house.  To use a word from my class last night, I have digressed!  Back to the topic at hand which is crummy winter weather.  I took a couple photos this morning so you can see the snowy loveliness we have had bestowed upon us in the last 24 hours.  We also have a great view of the highway overpasses behind our house and I wouldn't recommend highway travel based on the number of police cars, tow trucks and vehicles in the ditch that we've seen.  Of course, there are more vehicles on the roads today but they are going very, very slowly.  My personal favourites of the evening though had to be the guy riding his bicycle home through a blizzard and an old white car driving through the city without any tail lights.

Here's what we woke up to this morning...

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