Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Run Momma Run!

On September 12th, I ran the Queen City Half Marathon here in Regina, SK. It was my second race since having Aleena. I didn't set a personal best time or even close to it but it was a personal best time for having a baby just 5 months ago. My official time was 1:59:04. I did the best I could on that day and am very pleased with my time and effort. It didn't feel easy. In fact, I think I was already sore before the race started because I had been busy cleaning and preparing for Connor's birthday party the previous day.

The race itself was amazing. I haven't participated in the Queen City Marathon event in a few years and it's come a very long way. There were a LOT of people and it was a great atmosphere for running. The weather also co-operated except for the gusty wind for the second half of the race. I found that difficult since I have done a lot of my training during baby nap times on a treadmill. There's isn't much wind in our basement. Despite not running a best time, I was excited to find out that I finished 22nd out of 158 for women in my age group. Pretty good for a mommy of two young children!

I don't have any decent pictures but there are some posted on the official race photographer's website. They even have finish line video available for purchase. I might have bought some photos but I was wearing my running hat and can barely see my face in the pictures. Note to self: lift hat up slightly for finish line photos in the future. Here's a link to my race photos and finish line video. If you're wondering, I put my hands up for Connor and Aleena...2 for my 2 year old and 5 for my 5 month old.

As I mentioned, this was not my first race since having Aleena. I also ran a 15 km race at the beginning of August when I was less than 3 months post partum. I found out my brother was doing that race and thought it would be fun to do it too. My brother doesn't really run races normally but he did really well. He could have a promising career in road racing if he put his mind to it and his knee is able to take the punishment. Curt, if you're reading this, I think that running could be your thing since it's a front/back motion and not side/side like hockey or lacrosse. Just an idea!

Jeremy, if you're reading this, I registered for another race on October 2nd. Don't worry, it's only 10 km this time. :-)


  1. Again, you are my inspiration to start running again.

    :) Great job Trudy!!!

  2. I admire your running ability!

