About Me

Welcome to my blog!  I began this journey last fall and my blog has kind of taken on a life of its own.  I have had lots of fun promoting various stores and companies, telling stories about my own family, sharing delicious recipes and writing about my own personal goals such as Masters' studies and running races.

I am a Canadian mommy of two young children, Connor and Aleena.  I have been married to my husband, Jeremy, for three and a half years and we lead a very busy life.  I love blogging about everything related to babies and toddlers and the craziness that goes along with it.  I hope you enjoy reading and can perhaps relate to some of our stories and experiences.

For a little flashback, here was my very first post about my intention for my blog and I think I've stayed pretty much on track.  The only addition has been all the fun reviews and giveaways.  Hope you enjoy!

"Welcome to My New Blog" -September 19, 2010

I am jumping back on the blog bandwagon. I used to blog quite a bit when it was a requirement for my education computer class. Then, I decided to blog while I was planning our wedding. Now, I have decided to blog because I would like to document some of the everyday occurrences that seem insignificant in the moment but, in retrospect, are actually memories I'd like to hold onto. That, and it's a home base for sharing all sorts of photos and stories while raising two very young children. When I first thought about starting a blog, I wasn't sure what I wanted to blog about. I have lots of interests! So, instead of picking one thing, this blog will feature a little bit of everything.

Some of the things I plan to blog about are:
  • Our family
  • Running and my races
  • Healthy recipes (and perhaps a few not-so-healthy recipes)
  • My progress towards obtaining my Masters Degree in Education
  • Favourite baby products
  • Websites that I love
  • Travels
  • Attempts at hobbies I'd like to try (i.e. sewing, knitting, photography)
  • Anything else I can think of that I think people might find interesting
I had no idea what to call this blog. I realize that Sophisticated Mommy may sound a bit snobbish but I am using the word sophisticated to refer to myself as being a modern mommy. I love my children. I also love my work. I love a challenge and I am always striving to achieve new goals. I believe that anything is possible if a person works hard and perseveres. I would call myself a motivated mommy but I became aware of a chore planning system called Motivated Moms. I may be motivated but certainly not towards cleaning although I envy and respect anyone that is.

I am looking forward to this new venture and hope I can find the time to keep it up on a semi-regular basis.
